Chapter 1 (Meeting the Brothers)

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Saimochi's POV

I was sitting in the concrete box I was placed in about a year ago with only one way in and out. The metal door that sits in front of me. I was on my phone texting my friend with the username MusicLover:

*Text messages*

MusicLover: Hey, how are you?

Me: Hey, not too bad. You?

MusicLover: My brothers are annoying, other than that good.

Me: Sorry, gtg. Step-dad is calling.

MusicLover: Wish you luck. Ttyl

Me: ttyl

*Back to reality*

Seiji yelled "SAI YOU FUCKER!" My sister most likely lied about me again and I'm gonna pay. Seiji opened the door to my room fuming from anger, he said in a low growl "Sai, pack your things you're going with your sister. Don't even think about touching her, you wench!" So she said I touched her damn, that's the worst lie she's told, Seiji doesn't even believe it completely, hit as to why he's not beating me. He walked over to me, pulled me to my feet, and put a bag in my hands saying "Put it on''. I did as I was told and changed into the outfit I was given. The outfit was all black, the top was a tight turtleneck tank top with a kimono-like top cover. It had a black mask along with a blindfold made of lace(My eyes are sensitive to light). I kind of look like a ninja from ancient Japanese times. I put my hair into a braid, pulled the hood up, and stuffed the phone into my pocket. I put on the black sandals I was given and head upstairs. I saw Yui saying a long goodbye to Seiji as I passed and made my way to the taxi, hopping in I give the driver a wave he returns it without a second thought. We waited for Yui and she finally came to the car after 2-3 minutes of talking with Seiji. 

The driver asked Seiji the location and soon drove off. My eyes were burning from the sudden introduction to the sun after so long in the dark. I closed my eyes and thought about my friend MusicLover. I never learned their real name but they said it didn't matter since we won't meet IRL unless I somehow get sent to their home. The funny thing is I'm going to a stranger's house now, I wonder if MusicLover lives there. I felt something shake me yelling "WAKE UP, YOU-" I woke up and slapped her hand off me. I sit up and then open the car door to get out, I turn toward the car and bow to show my gratitude. I saw the driver wave to me then drive off after Yui grabbed her bag. Yui felt it start to drizzle and ran to the large doors... She knocked on the door... Once... twice... And the door opened on its own when she went to knock for the third. She walked in well I stayed outside. 

I pulled out my phone and texted MusicLover:

*Text Message*

Me: Hey, Music Lover do you think I should walk into a stranger's house, with my no-good sister, or should I try knocking on the door to see if someone answers?

MusicLover: Why not walk in? Seems like you might get to see your sister die a drama filled death.

Me: OMG. You are so right! Thx. ttyl

MusicLover: Np, ttyl

*Back to Reality*

I walk in after my sister and see her resting her head on an attractive guy's chest. He looked too pale to be living and seemed to have my sister in a panic. I stayed back in the shadows because I could tell he wasn't dead because his chest was moving.

Yui Komori's POV

I saw an attractive guy laying on a couch as I walked in. Father told us to come here and I see no problem in getting a guy or two well here. I went to wake the male up but his hand was freezing. I checked his heartbeat... he had no heartbeat... was this hot guy killed by someone? Who lives here? Should I run? No, I need him to get a doctor first. My phone! I can call for help! I reach into my bag and grab my phone before I could dial a number. The guy wakes up and I start to freak out. "You had no pulse! How are you alive!" things like that. I don't remember exactly what I said, but damn am I lucky a hot guy like him isn't dead. He pulled me onto the couch and I was no longer listening to him. I put on my act and started to ask questions like "W-what are you doing? How are you alive? Your pulse..." things like that. Then we heard a voice that said "Ayato please take these activities to your room, this is the greeting hall, where we greet our guests." The male looked hot. Maybe I can get him to like me. I put on my act and ran over saying "Please help me-" I was cut off when he said "And who are you" I looked at him and stuttered "I'm Y-Yui Komori a-and this- " I stopped releasing Saimochi didn't come in and started to fake get worried saying "Brother? Where are you? Yuki? Please stop playing." Sai hates being called Yuki by me and Dad, the reason why I said it was to get him mad. Saimochi didn't come out, did he really stay outside? The male with whom I was now standing by asked me to follow him to the living room.

Saimochi's POV

I followed behind the three of them to the living room and went to the far couch in the back of the room. I sat down and listened to the people talk. The first person to talk was a male named Reiji. He asked for our names, finally realizing I was here. I stood up and bowed as a said "Yukiza Saimochi" then sat back down. He nodded and said, "Thank you". He turned to Yui and asked "You?" Yui tensed then said "I-I'm Yui Komori" before Reiji could reply someone from the upper balcony said "Well, well, who's the cute bitch" Yui freaked out and yelled "H-HOW D-DID YOU GET T-THER!" another boy appeared beside Yui and licked her saying she was sweet. I felt a weight on my lap and saw a blonde that looked to be about 19-20. He had headphones in and was sleeping like no one else was here but him and the couch. There was a loud sound causing everyone to look over towards the person who looked pretty angry about the noise. Reiji tried to stay calm and said "Let's introduce ourselves. The one on the couch is Shu, the oldest. I'm Reiji, the second oldest. The one on the armchair is Ayato, the eldest triplet. The one with the teddy bear is Kanato, the second triplet. The one with the fedora is Laito, the youngest triplet. The youngest is Subaru. That is all of our names, what are yours?" I stood, bowed, then stood upright before saying "Saimochi and Yui." I said our names well pointing at the person each name belonged to. Reiji then said "Why are you here?" Yui said "Our father sent us here... but you all are kind of wired. I'm gonna call my dad." her phone was in Ayato's hand as he said "Looking for this?" she ran over trying her hardest to get it back. Subaru walked over grabbed the phone and looked at Yui as she stammered out "W-What are you doing?" before breaking it, letting all the phone bits fall to the ground. Yui was now in distraught and yelled "YUKI, GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!" I looked at her and said "Why?" she was not arguing right now and went to leave out the front door but tripped existing the living room. The boy's eyes glowed... 'Vampires' was all I thought before I heard Yui yelling nonsense while holding up a cross. I pet Shu's head as she was trying to convince me to leave with her. The triplets were sent after her after she had run away. Reiji turned to me and said "I will lead-" but was then cut off by Shu saying "Come on, I'll show you your room." I look at Reiji then at Shu, and said, "Thank you, Reiji-san, and Shu-san."

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