Chapter 2(New Room - New Life)

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Saimochi's POV

Shu and I were walking down a large hall to my new room. Shu stops in front of me and turns to a door beside us. It was large, made of dark wood, carved with the gate of hell, and stained black with a silver handle. 

(Gate of Hell bronze sculpture group work by French artist Auguste Rodin)

(Gate of Hell bronze sculpture group work by French artist Auguste Rodin)

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Shu opened the door and said I could go in and have a look. I walked in with a sense of security. Shu walked in behind me, then went and sat on the bed. I went to the closet and opened it to see a lot of clothing. I grabbed a black oversized t-shirt, a pair of white socks, and a pair of shorts. I got changed and sat beside Shu. I then asked, "Shu, what's with all the clothing?" Shu opened one of his eyes and said "Some of my old clothes." Shu disappeared from my room so I went and laid down for bed.

I woke up with a weight on my body, as I looked down I saw a blanket atop of me. I heard a knock on the door and someone said "May I come in?" I got up, went to the door, and opened it to see Reiji. I moved and then motioned for Reiji to come in. As Reiji walked in I saw two hangers with items on them in his hands. One was a boy's uniform, the next was a girl's uniform. Reiji started to say "Saimoch, here's your school uniform. I was unsure of which one you would like." I bowed to Reiji and responded with a thank you before grabbing the female uniform and going to the washroom. When in the washroom I brushed my teeth, and hair, and put on some makeup Laito gave me. My makeup is light and blends well with my skin, I have some glitter around my eyes, and in my eyebrows. I then styled my hair into a messy bun and added on my lace blindfold.

I went downstairs and looked into the kitchen and saw Reiji preparing food. I walked into the kitchen and said "Reiji-san do you want any help?" Reiji turned around and said "Could you go get everything set up on the table, plates are here, utensils are there, and napkins are over there. Did you get all that?" I saw plates that already had food on them and then answered "I understand Reiji-san!" I might be "mute" most of the time but if I can help someone I will. It hurts to talk so after I was done setting the table I went and got water. As I was drinking the water from my glass by the sink a hand snaked its way around my waist as a voice said "Hello, silent trap." Laito found out I am a guy, not like I am hiding it, and is now apparently calling me a 'silent trap' as he says. Laito moved from me and said "Sai, everyone is at the table but you and Yui. Just wanted to let you know." I nodded and put my now empty glass beside the sink as I turned and walked towards the table where everyone was sitting. I sat beside Shu and started to eat my food as the others did their own thing. I saw that Shu wasn't touching his food so I turned and asked, "Shu are you not hungry?" Shu didn't answer so I gave him my plate and said "Eat." Shu looked at me and was about to say something but I took that chance to stuff food into his mouth stopping him from arguing with me. Shu glared at me before picking up his fork and eating his food. Everyone was done eating whether their plate was full or not they said they didn't want anymore. I gathered the plates and brought them to the kitchen, emptying the ones that had food on them and washing them. As soon as I was done Yui had already run upstairs to get changed as I headed to the front door. Reiji said his thanks to me for doing the dishes. I then went on to my phone as we waited for Yui.

*Text messages*

Me: Hey my no-good sister is taking forever. Also, I am going to school for the first time!

MusicLover: Well she is a no-good sister so what did you expect? And school, seriously?


MusicLover: Yeh, it's the worst. You don't get to sleep.

Me: WHAT? NO WAY! This is BS. Do you go?

MusicLover: Yeh, I skip classes. 

Me: Oh! I could do that! Gtg, bye!

MusicLover: Yeh. Talk later.

*Back to reality*

I saw Yui running down the stairs looking like a mess or that is what she meant to look like. Reiji gave Yui a lecture about being late and then said it was time to go. We all walked to the car and I felt a hand pull me into a spot when I looked up I saw Kanato looking at me with a weird smile before he said: "Meet Teddy he likes you, so I do too." I looked at Kanato for a second then responded with "Thank you... Kanato... and Teddy" before leaning back in my seat. Some time had passed before I felt a weight on my shoulder and lap. When I opened my eyes I saw Shu leaning on me, well Kanato was laying on my lap. I rubbed my eyes, releasing my blindfold was missing. Laito said "Silent trap, I never knew your eyes were so pretty. Why did you hide them?" I give Laito a glare and then ask "Where is my blindfold?" Reiji said "We are going to school you do not need such a thi-" I interrupted and yelled "WHERE IS IT?!?" hurting my throat in the process. Laito said "hey don't yell you little tra-" I looked at Laito and said, "Shut up and give me it back!" Shu had woken up by us fighting and got up to get something, as he came back I saw my blindfold. Shu handed the blindfold over to me and I bowed my head a bit to say thanks. Reiji then said "You are getting punished once we get home for such behavior," Shu said "It was your fault for taking his blindfold off. Why does he have to deal with you invading his space?" Reiji looked at me and then said, "You have to take that off well at school." I didn't respond and just leaned back in my seat.

To be continued ... 

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