Chapter 6.

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Today was the first day of school since my death. Of course, you can guess that I go. No one will notice me, considering I'm dead. I want to see how people will react. What will they do? I didn't have many friends, not many people could miss me.
When I arrive at school, it's like deja-vu. The same people hanging in the front. With their friends. Laughing and smiling as if nothing happened. Maybe they don't know. At least I think.
As school starts, I go to my morning class, in which James AND Samantha attend.
The morning announcements come on. The principal rambles on and on about fundraisers and pep rallys. "That's all we have for our--" she stops mid sentence. I think she tried to cover the microphone but I hear a faint, "That's horrible." A loud sound is made and she says, "I'm sorry about that, but I hate to inform you all you're fellow classmate Talia Jane Carter has commited suicide." People in the class pause. For a second is seems the class goes silent.
I turn to James, who is looking out the window. He stands. "No. No. No. NO!" He yells. "Mr. Harrison please calm down." The teacher says with a crack in her voice. "No!" He exits the room, slamming the door behind him.
I turn to Samantha. She bites her lip fir a moment. But it doesn't take long for her to burst into tears. Everyone else in the room looks shocked. I hear whispers. "Omigosh, she couldn't have.." a blonde haired girl says to her friend. "People messed with her a lot...maybe she couldn't take it anymore."
The rest of the day consists of people talking about me. Not much happened. No one really cried but the kids who were my lab partner in science, James and Sam, of course.


Kind of short but I just wanted to get another chapter in.

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