Chapter 8.

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I decided not to go to school anymore. I figured I deserved te vacation. Surprisingly, my mom began going to meetings for AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). I was proud of her, but deep down it saddened me that it took her losing me for her to stop. One day, as I was sitting on the couch alone, I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to the window to see who it was, and it was James. In hand, he had beautiful flowers.
My mom rushed to the door, and was confused when she saw him. She invited him in and they sat on the couch. After some silence, James said, "Mrs. Carter, I got these for you," he hands her the flowers, "I'm really sorry about Talia. I was in love with her, and the night she killed herself, she saw me kissing another girl." I look at the ground. My mom looks at him and sighs. She puts down the flowers and hugs him. "You can go visit her room if you'd like."
James accepted the offer graciously. He walked up the steps and I followed behind, wondering what he was going to do up there. When he was at my door, he took and deep breath in, put his hand on the doorknob and turned it. He opened my door and stepped foot inside. He looked around, smiling at my decor and sat on my bed. Then, he started talking.

"Talia...oh, Talia." He sighed. "I don't know if you can hear me," he stopped, taking a big breath of air. All I could think was, I can James, I can. "If you can, I want to tell you what happened, and maybe you don't want to listen, but I don't care, I need to tell you." I looked into his eyes, the pain in his voice could not be misread.

He began his story. "I got to the movie theatre kind of early, and there was this girl there. I never saw her before then, but she got really close to me and was invading my space. I was trying to be friendly and nice, so I didn't think much of it, but I saw you coming through the doors and tell her I have to go because my date was here, but when she looked at you, that's when it happened. She just pulled me close to her and kissed me and I know I'm an asshole for not pushing her away sooner, I know..." He begins to cry. At that moment, I want to hug him, kiss him, tell him everything is okay, that I forgive him. That I love him, but I can't. "It's partially my fault you did this, Tal." His tears stream down his face much more rapidly now. He falls back on my bed; he feels my bed sheet. "I love you, Talia, and I know I'm too late, but I want you back. I don't want to go another day without seeing you, your beautiful face. Your smile and your eyes. I want you to be here with me." He wipes the tears from his eyes. "I AM HERE! James I am here and I love you, I'm so sorry I've done this."
After a few more minutes, he leaves my house. Now I knew what I had to do, I was going to talk to Him.

Alone.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें