carol x reader part one

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it was a cold morning.. carol had just arrived to her workplace, ratatoing. she was naked as always. she kicked the door opens and went to the kicthen.

"hey marcell ;)" she winked firtely and marcell rolled his eyes at her stupidness. "shut up carol... im with greg now." they used to date, but then they broke up cause they broke up.

as if he was summonded greg came in and yawned" hey marcell hey carol" greg hugged marcell and kissed hm. carol felt sad. 

"carol" marcell called and carol snapped out of her deppressing trance "theres a new worker here i want u to not be a bitch and tell them wat to do. ill be here stirring this huge cauldron aka im busy"

"uggghhhh fineeeeeeeee"" carol screamed in angriness and left to go set up the table. she was setting the tables up until the door opened slowly, she glanced over at it and pulled out a gun just in case "whos there?????"

"hi im here for work" the door fully oped and carol blushed cause standinf there was the sesiest rat shes ever seen "my name is yn" carol blushed even more "im carol come here ill explain u how this works"

she explained to yn and they nodded "oh and also" carol added "we go for ingredients in thr¿rustuday night"


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