Metting again after 4 years

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It's been 4 years since I've seen Camilo I'm nearly 18 and I wish I could see him again. Mama said I would see him when the time is right but I have a feeling I will never see him again, and I'm pretty show papa forbids me to ever see him ever again after what we did as children, actually I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me to talk to any man just in case they are gonna do something to me. Anyway what's the time oh it's 12:30, I better get going back to the house papa might need my help, as y/n gets up she smells smoke coming from the direction of the house. She runs to the house franticly, once she  finally reaches the house she see's her home up in flames and her mama crying and calling out her and her papa's name.

Y/N screams out to her mother "MAMA ARE YOU OK?! WHERE IS PAPA?!"

Y/N's mother turns around in shock to see her baby is safe. She gets up and runs to y/n screaming "mi bebe estas a salvo (my baby your safe.)" she hugs y/n and says "quickly my love put out the fire." y/n closes her eyes and closes her fists as she does the water from the lake rises and falls onto the house putting out the fire. They walk towards the house and pick up things that weren't interlay destroyed, once they finished collecting what they could y/n's mother uses her power of teleportation to teleport them to the madrigals home. As the arrive the first person y/n see's in Camilo, they make eye contact and Camilo smiles and shape sifts into Isabella and starts to act like a princess. Y/N couldn't help but laugh she ran up to Camilo and hugged him, "OH MY GOD I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Y/n yells out while giggling.

Total words: 334

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