2 • This is Aline

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Suna, Carlos, and Oliver were hard to be found alone in the time that followed and Suna almost forgot Silverarrow.

That day she was in the forest with the meerkat and the dragon, and Carlos had gone out to find "decent" food.
Oliver actually wanted to stay with Suna, but she shooed him along with Carlos.

She sat like that for a few minutes on the cold stone and watched the snowflakes until she heard little bells jingling.

Then it stopped.

The nine-year-old girl got up suspiciously and looked around.

"There you are," she could hear a voice.
Fear shot through her because this voice belonged to none other than the White Witch.

"I've thought of something, Mother," said another voice, and Suna was even more startled. Silverarrow.

She had called the witch Mother.

Suna's legs were almost shaking.

"And what?" the witch asked coldly.

"Maybe-" Silverarrow began, but there was a clapping sound and a low yelp, presumably Silverarrow's.

Suna had never been hit and had never seen anyone else being hit, but she knew the witch had slapped Silverarrow.

Hate shot through the little girl.

She didn't even hear what the witch was saying.
A faint crying drowned out the sound of the little bells that were driving away.

Suna ran in the direction from which she had heard the voices.

Silverarrow sat on the floor.
Tears streamed down her face and she held her left cheek.

"Silverarrow?" Suna asked softly.
The girl looked up.

"Ah, you gave me a stupid nickname too," she murmured. Suna slowly approached her and knelt down next to her in the snow.

"What are you doing?" Silverarrow asked.

"I wanted..." Suna began. Yes, what did she want? "I wanted to help you."

Silver Arrow looked at her suspiciously and surprised.

"Why should you?" she asked.

"Because no one should be hit," Suna said. "And because I don't think the witch had any reason to hit you."

They said nothing for a long time.

"She hit me a lot," Silverarrow then murmured.

"For nothing, right?" Suna asked softly. Silver Arrow shrugged.

Then they were silent again.

"I'm Suna," Suna said. Silver Arrow looked at her.


And Suna could have sworn that at that moment a small smile played around the corners of her mouth.

"It means the fighting beauty, you know that?"

The smile got a little bigger.

"No, not until now," Aline said. "What does your name mean?"

"It means sun and warrior for the light," said Suna.

"It suits your eyes," said Aline.

Suna smiled.
It was quiet for a short while, then Suna said, "They are not golden for everyone."

Aline looked at her confused.

"Only for people who play a very, very important role in my life. So far it was just my dad, that's why I was so surprised when you called me Goldeye," Suna said shyly, looking at the floor.

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