Abuse (Part 1)

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The sound of a whip making contact with skin resounded in the room as a small yelp came after. Yuuma's body throbbed all over and blood coated his body. Multiple long slashes covered his body, some looked faded and healed while some looked fresh and recent. He almost covered his mouth and nose from the overwhelming metallic scent of the red liquid, to the point he could almost taste it. His eyes scanned the familiar room. The colour of the walls have faded to a dull grey and his vision was impaired by the dim light of a single light bulb. A moment after, a shadow loomed over him with an intimidating aura around them.

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you? Stop skipping your private lessons! This is for the family company's future! You are going to inherit your father's, the Patriarch's, assets, what more do you want?"

A gruff voice lectured with a hateful tone. It was Mr Satoshi, the bodyguard and faithful servant of Yuuma's father. No response came from the male as he knew that if he were to open his lips, only whimpers will leak out. The lack of response left Mr Satoshi boiling with rage and thinking, 'the audacity of this child to ignore me..'

"So, you want to give me the silent treatment huh? Fine, you don't fucking need your father's medical help. This rascal doesn't deserve being in this family..." Mr Satoshi growled out while murmuring the last sentence.

The clacking sound of boots echoed throughout the room before it ended with a booming sound of the door being slammed shut. A small sigh of relief was let out from Yuuma's lips when he knew that Mr Satoshi has left. Despite knowing that he will get punished whenever he skipped lessons or fulfilling his passion for music, he still proceeded to do so as this is the only way for him to rebel against his behemoth business family. 

After a while of lying still to recover from the lashing, Yuuma lifted his weak body off the ground to crawl slowly to a corner in the room. He had hidden a small med-kit in the corner of the room since he knew he would be coming to this dull basement often enough for his punishment. Silence stretched on as Yuuma worked slowly to patch his wounds with an expressionless face.

With his sweater taken off, the dim light exposed the bandages that covered the open wounds and the faded scars that were all over his body. This also revealed his fair skin that looked as if it didn't have any blemishes. Luckily, there weren't any wounds on his face as the family thought they couldn't damage their reputation by revealing that they physically abuse their descendants. 

Even though Yuuma was willing to go through the torture, it doesn't mean that he liked it. And he had just about enough of their shit. Hence, he had a plan to escape and live his own life.

Word Count: 498 words

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