Escape (Part 2)

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It was late into the night and the whole mansion was dead silent that you can hear a pin drop. Yuuma was dressed and in a black hoodie and black leggings while sneaking around with light movement. This went on for a few minutes as the white haired male maneuvered skillfully through the halls of the mansion. He eventually reached a small safe in an empty storeroom. 

Yuuma sighed with relief from the adrenaline as he wasn't caught and went towards the safe. He carefully entered the passcode into the safe as it was actually his personal one that he had hid away to contain his total savings for the past few years. The safe opened with soft beep and what it revealed was...

...a credit card.

Hah, did you think it was a stash of cash? Foolish. You think it is so easy to carry millions of dollars worth of cash around when you're trying to escape? What? Did you say that his credit card will be frozen by his family? Hah, Yuuma made sure that he deposited his savings into a private account that is signed under a different name. He ain't stupid you know. After all, he did take all those business classes albeit he skipped most of them.

Once Yuuma had everything ready he pulled up his hood and wore a mask while quietly pulling his luggage behind him in a brisk walk to the train station. Well, he is going to take the earliest train over to a less populated city and it's going to take a 6 hour ride at best. And he didn't want his family to catch up to him after finding out he had run off, he was an heir after all.

The sound of wheels on the tracks became audible as the first train of the day has arrived and there were barely any people at the train station or on the train. Besides, who would wake up at 4am to catch the first train? Yuuma silently boarded the train with an indifferent expression but inside he was bursting with happiness. Walking through that train door felt like walking through the gates of heaven as he had taken his first step to freedom at last. 

Or so he thought.

Yuuma had put up his luggage in the compartment above and sat down with a huff. He hadn't slept all night as he was busy preparing everything he needed to stay alone, including a place to stay and a school to go to. Finally, after his whole life of homeschooling, Yuuma can go to an actual public school. The white haired male sighed softly with content while resting his head on the glass window as the scenery started to pass by due to the train moving. Hence, after a few seconds of peace of quiet, the white haired male's eyes started to droop with sleepiness until he finally gave in to the most peaceful sleep he ever had in a long time.

7 hours later...

A light tap on Yuuma's shoulder woke him up from his peaceful sleep as a polite female voice entered his ears, "Sir, we are nearing your stop. You told me to inform you when we are nearing." Then she bowed slightly before walking off, leaving the white haired male alone. Yuuma rubbed his drowsy eyes and yawned softly before looking out of the window. Lush green fields pass by quickly and a small city in the distance slowly comes into view. An excited smile found its way to his lips. A new life awaited him! New name, new home, a job, and most importantly, a new school!

What, did you think he would forget to not change his identity? No matter how far he is from the city, his family can always find him easily if he doesn't change his name. He even planned to dye his hair black and wear aqua blue colored contacts before creating is new ID.

Soon, the train came to a stop at a city called Rosewood city. Yuuma pulled his luggage along as he immediately went to a salon to dye his hair before heading to create his new ID. He couldn't do all this back at the city as his family would suspect something. So, he had to take care of all the admin stuff here. This includes registering for a school, finding a job, and finding an apartment. As an heir to a business, despite skipping many classes, he still has higher intelligence than most at his age.

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