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This is more of Craig's group being super cute and fluff but there is some creek later on don't worry :3

"Cmon this party will be lit!!!' Clyde exclaimed as token had agreed to host a party at his house while his parents were out of town for the two days and Clyde was trying to convince Tweek and Craig to come as-well specially since they don't ever come specially tweek but Clyde wanted to try and convince the two "I Already to fuck off about it Clyde " Craig said as he did his signature finger towards Clyde as tweek twitched "GaH , too much pressure!!!"

Token chipped in "Tweek if you want at the party you don't have to be around the others , you could be in my room , I have a few games in there I won't mind" Tweek smiled at token as they both shared a content smile at another since token was called the so called "mom" of the group he always looked out for the others and made sure they didn't go into dumb shit without second thinking and precautions as Craig sighed "Fine we can go. As long as it's ok with Tweek"

"Is it ok with you tweekers?" Craig smiled softly at Tweek as he made a much softer tone of voice at him as Tweek smiled and nodded , Tweek loved that only he could see that side of Craig so often and only to him as Clyde did a little happy dance as he finally convinced the two as he and token walked off to lunch as the two gays followed behind

-Later the night-

Tweek scrambled to get ready as Craig waited for him since Clyde and token were already at the house since they hosted it after all , As Tweek ran down the stairs wearing his signature messy buttoned up shirt but he wore a nice vest over it and grabbing his thermo from the counter full of coffee as Craig blushed slightly growing a pink tint as they looked at another while Craig was wearing a space shirt with his jacket around his waist and wearing his signature blue hat with yellow touches.

"Welcome to the party guys!!!!" Clyde yelled as all you could hear was loud music and chatting as they walked in and Tweek was already nervous out of his mind as he tried and held Craig's hand calming him down a bit as all they could see were people drinking too much , making out and making regretful decisions as some people were just blacked out on the floor. Only a few minutes in Craig went to go grab some snacks from the fridge or what he could At least salvage from the dirty-ass kitchen with food and punch everywhere as he sighed and tried finding something for him and Tweek as he kept searching for a good ten minutes completely forgetting he left Tweek with Clyde and token was somewhere else

"Tweekkkk!!' Clyde had yelled but could barely be heard from the amount of loud noises emitting from everyone else as he sighed getting worried that Craig would beat his ass but more importantly for Tweek if he was ok as he locks eyes with token and yells for him "what did you need Clyde?" Token asked as Clyde told him what happened and how he can't find Tweek at all since he last saw him "Crap we need to find him. He's gotta be scared out of his mind." Token said as they both tried to look for him everywhere downstairs as Clyde felt guilty as hell making tweek come as he just wanted him to have a bit of fun , but knowing Clyde he probably went a bit overboard and then tokens head clicked "Upstairs!!" As they both run up trying to pass through the amount of teenagers trying to keep dancing as they reek of alcohol and they finally get up "I'm never letting you host another party at my house Clyde" as Clyde laughed at token "Fair" as they both looked until they heard a familiar whimper and "GAh" as they rushed into tokens room and heard it from the closet as they opened it.

They see a very much scared and overwhelmed crying Tweek with a blanket over him as they both look at each other and go to him slowly as token hugs Tweek and he hugs back almost instantly and he starts calming down a bit as they both try to calm him down but only Craig can really do that as token asks Clyde to go look for him as he does so and token stays with Tweek holding him trying to calm him down reassuringly as tweek is still having fat tears in his eyes and fear aswell as his hair in his hands and token grabs his hands as he doesn't want him to pull more hair out then already having done.

Craig bursts in the room which makes them both jump. Mainly Tweek as Craig runs over holding Tweek tightly as he melts into it ,calming down almost immediately as Craig rubs his back and strokes his hair while whispering sweet nothings into his ear as the two watch and smile knowing tweeks ok as they walk out to give the two their space and close the door
"I was so worried tweekers!" Craig said with legit worry in his eyes as he holds Tweek more tight
"I..I'm Nh! Sorry..it was so l..loud.." Craig rubbed his back more not needing an explanation as he already knew and he wrapped him in the blanket and rests him on the bed " we can go home when you calm down and we can watch tv or play games in here until then ok hun?." Tweek smiled as he felt comfort again and content just being in his boyfriends arms as they stayed like that "I love you honey" ..

"I love you more Craig.."

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