Jealousy and Secrets PT 1

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As craig scrolled through his phone something made him shoot a confused glare up to his twitchy, boyfriend surprisingly calm and not twitching as much but that wasn't what made him look up, it was tweeks laughter and that had also gotten the groups attention (craig, clyde,token,jimmy)  as they stared at the blonde laughing at something on his phone as craig was about to ask him what it was, tweek had suddenly stood up to go to the bathroom leaving his phone as he really needed to go as craigs curiosity had peeked it was actually Clyde who took his phone and just stared Blankley at the twitches lit up screen 

"well?' token chirped in as Clyde just showed a video a short one at that (a tiktok) 

"isn't that, the stupid video app everyone's on rn?" craig rolled his eyes as he asked

"yea! but look!!!" clyde cheered as he showed the video of tweek and Stans group hanging out but laughing hard, as tweek stood Infront of a projector laughing slightly as he tried to present something hella stupid as the others tried not to crack up as he presented "Why you are gay" as he listed weird reasons as the others looked in shock as they watched more videos of them doing crack-head things and doing shit the spazz usually wouldn't do as they watched silently being the best of friends and crazy shit as craigs anger had skyrocketed in him as they heard the spazz return they quickly put his phone down and he sat down

He immediately went back on his phone and to Craig he felt lied to and so did everyone else in the group as the school day quickly had ended as the others quietly watched tweek "isnt this stalking.." token said slightly worried but still intrigued as the others hushed him as they saw the twitchy blonde run up to stans gang "s-sorry im late!!" cartman scoffed as the others started to chat with craigs jealousy growing as he saw how close they were as they went somewhere mainly stans house as the other group watched from outside "UGH why did they have to go inside" clyde said with a tint of annoyance in his voice as he quickly shut up as he saw them come out wearing matching outfits "even we dont do that..specially tweek" craig said in his monotone voice but you could hear Hes hurt as clyde just made a very over-exaggerated gasp but still quiet to not be heard as they saw the newly changed group walk away

it had quickly become night as they watched stans group plus tweek  as they watched them chilling while holding cups of mystery liquid and assumingly coffee for tweek that was until "hey tweeky! " stan called out making craigs knuckles go white as he saw the pair talk and the nickname as he was the only person allowed to call tweek names like that as stan gave tweek his cup and tweek drank out of it as clyde and the others could hear craigs teeth grit , he couldn't stand someone getting so close to him let alone sharing DRINKS as the others could just feel the negativity from craig as they looked a bit Uncomfy but continued watching as they saw stan skating around with cartman wrapping his arm around tweek probably up to no good like always as he hands him 20 bucks as tweek grins almost crazily as kyle rolled his eyes knowing what's going to happen next as they watched the seemingly scared of everything and wouldn't even like to climb a desk and stand on it, twitching boy hastily climbing up a lamp post as he sat on top triumphly and smiled widely , a smile that would make anyone go insane as cartman recorded as tweek yelled at the top of his lungs "STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS , YOU DONT HAVE THE BALLS-" as he got cut off by lighting as he had held his arm in the air as the spying boys had their jaws dropped as they never knew this side of him, not even his own boyfriend , someone he told everything to .

"what the fuck"     is all they could say 

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