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I was furious! I was sitting in a shopping centre somewhere on the west side of Melbourne's CBD, left with the $5 my boyfriend Lorenzo gave me, well ex now. I decided it was time to find a way home after nearly 2 of hours waiting,

I walked towards the information desk hoping for some answers. "Hi sorry, I was wondering if you could help me find my way home?" I politely asked the middle aged woman "yeah sure hunny, where about's do you need to go" she replied, "I just need the nearest station and I'll be fine!" She pointed out the direction I needed to go and I was on my way.

 I finally made it onto the train. I was hurt, exhausted and just completely over life, I pulled out my phone from my bag and called my sister Xenia, "hey Rora what's up!?" She asked when she picked up the phone "you wouldn't believe what I just went through" I yell out o f frustration "huh" she mutters "he left me there Xenia with five bucks" "he's such a fucking asshole I actually can't believe it, I put all the effort in for 6 months and all i got was $5 and a "I'll see you soon" I was talking so fast Xenia had to stop me so I could repeat what I had said "HE DID WHAT!?, IM GOING TO DESTROY HIM" she yells on the other side of the phone

"Where are you now?! Are you okay?! Come to Nat’s house now!" She asks, all panicked "yes I'm fine aha, I'm at Flinders Street Station now I'll be there in 20" I hang up the phone and take a deep breath. I dreaded something like this happening; I never wanted mine and Lorenzo's relationship to end this way, look where we've ended up... Did he not love me anymore? Was that what it was.

 I needed to call him before my camping trip tomorrow! Otherwise I won't get a chance at all. I decided I’d call him one more time.. I grab my phone and ring him, it rings for what seems forever and obviously goes to the voice mail we made together "hi you've reached Lorenzo Torres, and Aurora Bianco! Leave a message" I miss the days when we were like this, the days he used to look at me in adoration, I guess those days are finally over...

(Sorry for a short first chapter) but please just keep reading, i promise its worth the wait <3

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