Health Class- Gum and an Orange

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January 12, 2022

Health Class

This happened yesterday in health. We were all done with our work, and my teacher just let us hang out. A couple of people wanted her orange. Seriously they were asking her if they could have her orange. So, she said that if we got her questions right, she would give us the orange. I was only halfway paying attention, and I heard the word "macronutrients" so I said "Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats." She actually tossed me the orange. The girl in front of me tried to catch it, which made me drop it, then catch it again. I then realized that I don't usually eat oranges- and my best friend (who ig I'll call Sam for privacy reasons) asked me why I have their orange. It turns out Sam was the one who gave my Health Teacher the orange. I tossed it back to them, and the girl in front of me said "I'm hungryyyy- YOU GAVE IT TO SAM-" I just replied "Sorry- do you want some gum-" and she said "Yeah- ;-;" so I gave her a couple pieces. Then, a few minutes later I wanted some gum myself. I got out a few pieces, and this one kid (for privacy reasons I'll call him Andrew) asked if I was gonna give him some. Andrew is the kind of person who annoyed anyone because why not. I stared at him, wondering if I should ask him if he thought I was going to give him gum. He then said "I'll leave you alone for the rest of the week." and I immediately gave it to him. Then, a kid who was sitting on the floor behind me was literally on his knees wanting gum. This guy (I'll call him Jay-) is the type of person that everyone knows just because of the things he does. I just gave Jay the gum so he would shut up-

Srry if it was boring- It was funnier at the time lel-

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