Lunch, Social Studies, and P.E.- Food ig

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February 9, 2022

  So I was sitting at lunch with my friend Sam. They were just playing FNF, and I was busy looking at pictures of dogs and Miles Edgeworth. I also gave Sam one of my oranges. Suddenly, someone just threw a plastic box that had a small ham and cheese sandwich inside onto our table, then walked away. We were both confused, and Sam slid the box towards them. Then, someone we were sitting with came back from buying lunch, and gave us an opened can of salt and vinegar Pringles. Neither me or Sam took it. Lunch eventually ended, and we ended up taking the Pringles to class, where people continued to pass it around. It went back to that kid, to the couple of people next to him, and I currently don't know where it is now. Then, Dennis started giving a bunch of people ranch and mayo packets. A couple of people were even tossing the packets halfway across the room. I only got three ranch packets, while Sam got seven of each. Once we went to gym, Sam gave our teacher the orange. Again. Now Sam still has the packets and the entire box with the sandwich in their pocket. We're planning on tossing some packets to our friend Tea.

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