Reaper's Veil - Part 2

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You never thought being out in the bustling streets of Japan could be so liberating, but after being kept in a hospital for a long period has made you appreciate the outside world that little bit more, even more now that you had someone by your side in every moment.

Calli wasn't kidding when she said she's found things to do around the city. The moment both of you had free time, she dragged you everywhere. From restaurants to arcades, she took you into every crevice of the city.

It was mostly an enjoyable ride, apart from the amusement park where you had to ride a stomach-churning rollercoaster, but Calli learned from that and made sure that your subsequent trips would be a bit more calming.

Still, you had to give it to the girl, she really did her homework just to give you a good time. Granted, she wanted this as well, but it's the thought that counts and she definitely thought about you.

Although you enjoy your day outs with the reaper, it's when you both just relax inside in your apartment that you've come to treasure the most.

You don't know what it is, but listening to Calli talk and learning more about her was worth more than any activity you did with her.

You didn't even know it, but you were becoming very enamoured by Calli. Your eyes would wander down Calli's smooth-looking skin, lock into her rosy red lips or be lost in her ruby red eyes.

Your mind was filled with her.

Your heart would flutter the moment you saw her.

Your days would feel so empty without her, but be so full whenever she was by your side.

You thought you were losing your mind! It's like every waking moment for you was just another timer to whether Calli would be knocking on your door or not.

But what you hadn't realised, or wouldn't admit was that your heart was yearning for Calli.

You were falling in love with Calliope Mori.


Luckily for you, you weren't the only one changing, and you weren't the only one who had their minds filled with borderline perverted thoughts. Calli did as well and for far longer.

Her side of things began while you were still in the hospital. At the time, it started as a mere innocent desire to learn more about humans, but as she continued to study the idea of relationships the more she got into the idea of dating you.

But that idea of being your girlfriend didn't just come out of thin air.

When she returned to the underworld after witnessing the sorrow of a mourning family, Calli became determined to find answers to why humans would cry at a passing soul. When she was asked if she would not cry for you, it got her thinking.

As a reaper she was more than aware that mortality is a timer slowly counting down to nothingness. Armed with this knowledge she couldn't find it in herself to see departure as anything other than fate that everyone will reach.

But, you were different. For the first time, she actually felt something when the thought of a person dying crossed her mind.

Continuing to look for solutions, Calli went around and asked various of her friends, but they couldn't give her a clear answer either.

So she went to one place she knew she'll find answers, the human world.

Sitting on top of a roof, Calli observed the passing pairs of humans on the street, she thought that by watching them go on about their day to day lives, then maybe she could get to the bottom of her aching heart.

Reaper's Veil (Male Reader x Calli)Where stories live. Discover now