Reaper's Veil - part 3

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When morning came, Calli's alarm clock rang loudly from her phone. Her arm then shot out from under the covers, snatching the phone from her bedside table and pressing the snooze button afterwards.

"Stream isn't for another two hours, let me sleep," she grumbled, pulling the covers over her head.

"You really shouldn't be lazing about this much."

Eyes shooting open, Calli quickly sat up on her bed and looked around her room frantically. She could've sworn a familiar voice just whispered to her, it was faint but clear enough for her to recognise. However, when she did get a good scan of her room, Calli found nothing.

"I must be tired," she said to herself before lying back down on her bed. However when she tried to shut her eyes, her mind quickly began to play images of you, causing Calli to open her eyes again.

She sat up once again and rubbed her forehead. "Come on Calli, get a grip."

Now fully awake, the girl made her way downstairs and started to cook some breakfast for herself.

As the oil crackled on the pan, the girl was reminded of the days when you two shared your mornings and evenings together. Those once blissful days, wrapped in your arms that made her heart feel light as air and all troubles vanish, replaced with serenity.

Oh how she wished she could live those days once again. But all she could was reminiscent over them, for they were now mere memories.


After you both managed to reveal each others' feelings accidentally, neither of you took any time before deciding to become a couple.

Your mornings were always so peaceful, no matter the occasion, be it rain or snow you two would always share your mornings with hugs, kisses and smiles.

You were first to leave the bed, heading down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Calli always loved your cooking, even stating she could always eat your cooking if she could. However, she did scold you for always taking on the task of cooking, expressing her desire to cook for you as well.

However, despite this duality of her thoughts, she was always enamoured by the scent of your dishes.

"Mmm~ that smells good," she said, wrapping her hands around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder.

"Morning sleepyhead," you greeted, glancing at your half-awake girlfriend.

"Morning babe," she groggily responded.

Calli returned upstairs to clean her face while you stayed behind and set the table up. When she returned, you both then tucked yourself in and dug into the deliciously made eggs benedict, with its soft poached egg dripping with golden hollandaise sauce, it was mouth-watering. It was then paired up with two golden-brown toast and a couple of crispy bacon slices, that were peppered ever so slightly.

You were proud of what you've done, but that didn't pale in comparison to the happiness you felt when watching the girl in front of you moan at the deliciousness of your food.

Once the meal was finished, the two of you shared a nice cup of coffee to wash the entire thing down and just take in the morning atmosphere.

"Guh." Calli placed her empty mug down and proceeded to just slowly sink into her seat. "That was amazing."

"Glad you enjoyed it," you said.


After breakfast was finished it was now time for the two of you to head out into the city. Calli used to drag you around to give you something to look forward to once you were out of the hospital. But now she would follow you around, just as you would follow her, you both spent your days eating such delicious meals from all sorts of restaurants, buying little knick-knacks and clothes, or wine, lots of wine.

Reaper's Veil (Male Reader x Calli)Where stories live. Discover now