Chapter Three-I'm Sorry

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Sorrowfully the doctor said continuing “...but she was bleeding internally in the brain, we couldn’t stop it, and I’m sorry, but..Eliza Danvers has...died”

Alex started tearing up, but Kara started sobbing.  Kara thought to herself, “Why did this have to happen to me?  Things happen for a reason, but why?”.  She turned to Alex, they hugged so tightly, Kara thought that she was going to crush Alex’s bones.  Kara tries to pull herself together asking, “Can we see her?”.  “Yes, follow me” the doctor said walking into a room where a very pale Eliza lay.  “I’ll leave you two alone”, said the doctor sympathetically.  Alex walked up to Eliza’s body, “Why did you leave us mom, you said you would fight for us no matter what…” Alex starts sobbing, Kara pulling her into a hug.  “ doesn’t seem like you even tried, it’s like you gave up on us”  Alex starts raising her voice, rivers streaming down her eyes.  “Alex, you know she would do anything, but it was just her time” Kara tried saying soothingly.  “No Kara!  She didn’t deserve to die, you’re sounding like you don’t even care!” Alex said starting to scream at Kara.  “Alex of course I care, I loved her, after all she did for me, even though I was different.”  Kara said calmly.  “Kara, your not even real daughter, so you will never understand the pain I feel!  We had the connection only a true mother and daughter had!”  Alex said turning away from Kara.  Kara felt her heart break, she lost the love of her life, her foster mother, and now her sister.  After a couple of minutes Alex turned around to Kara, but she was gone, she could only think about her mother that was just gone.  Kara had slipped out of the room, and flew home, she couldn’t handle anything else right then.  Once she returned home she jumped to bed, crying, eventually she fell asleep.  Alex was still at the hospital when the doctor came in telling her visiting hours are over.  Alex slowly got up and left the hospital, realizing that she didn’t drive here.  “Damn”, Alex thought.  She called J’onn, “J'onn...can you pick me up”, she said in such a whisper.  “Where are you?” John asked.  “National City Memorial Hospital” she said.  John had gotten there very quickly, Alex had not said anything the whole ride.  Once they arrived at her apartment Alex said, ” Thank you”, then she quickly walked into her apartment, where she was all alone, she wished she hadn’t said all those horrible things to Kara, she was just trying to help, and Alex pushed her away.  Alex called Kara, no answer, she called her again this time leaving a message, “Kara, please answer I’m sorry, we need to talk, I don’t want to leave things with you like we did”.  Kara was already fast asleep.  The next day Kara woke up to her doorbell ringing, she thought, “Who could this be?”, she looked at the time 9 in the morning.  She went to answer the door, but she used her x-ray vision and saw Alex.  No, she wasn’t going to answer it.  “I know your looking at me, I see your shadow, and I see you moving away from the door, please answer Kara, ” Alex said almost begging.  Kara thought to herself wanting to say, “I want to Alex, but you just broke my heart”.  Kara went to lay on her couch, she had to get up, she couldn’t just lay on the couch all day.  Kara got ready within 10 mins, then she heard her door unlock, she forgot Alex had a key.  She peeked through the door, how was she going to get out.  She flew out quickly, so Alex couldn’t see her, but Alex could feel the breeze.  Kara was flying in the sky, then she had stopped and started to pray to Rao, hoping for her life to get better.

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