Chapter 1: The Dragon and The Princess

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Third Person's P.O.V.

In year X784, Fiore of Magnolia is known as a kingdom filled with guilds of strong mages, and is home to the "Ten Wizard Saints," who are the ten strongest mages all throughout Magnolia. One of these wizards called as The Great Ten was Makarov Dreyar, the master of the most troublesome guild in their kingdom, Fairy Tail.

"Lucy, run!" Natsu shouted as he dashed along the streets, dragging Lucy with his one hand while Happy, the blue male exceed, was zooming after them. 

"I told you not to destroy our client's house! Are your ears really just for show?! You idiot!" Lucy shouted back at him as she tried to catch up with Natsu's pace. 

"Oy! Stop right there!" The kingdom soldiers warned them. But of course, none of them stopped, and the chase went on until Lucy, Natsu, and Happy outran them and reached their guild. As soon as they entered, the rowdy noise of people fighting, drinking, dancing, and laughing filled their ears.

"Welcome back, Natsu, Lucy, Happy! How was the quest?" Mirajane asked as she approached them. Lucy only sighed while Natsu grinned. 

"Aye! It was a disaster! Lu-shii made a mistake so we had no choice but to run away and save her," Happy said before receiving a choke hold from Lucy. 

"Shut up, stupid cat! It was your fault that we will not get any of the reward! My reeeeent!" Lucy said as she pinched both of Happy's cheeks.

"My, my. I told you about Lucy's quest because the two of you said you don't want to be left out, but it seems like you took things too far again," Mirajane laughed at them and went back to the counter to get them snacks.  

"Miraaa, I told you to keep it a secret from these two. I never get to finish a job or get a reward whenever I'm with them! He just blew off my client and send him flying a while ago!" Lucy ranted as she glared at Natsu. Natsu crossed his arms and pouted.

"But he was annoying. He's so arrogant saying that our guild is a trash and the only reason we get to finish the job is because the quest's too easy even for wimps. So I punched him," Natsu proudly said. Happy 'aye!-d' with him and the two of them started eating the food Mirajane brought them.

"I'm never really bringing you with me ever again," Lucy facepalmed and took a sip of the juice in front of her. 

"Nah, we're a team so you'll always go with us, and we'll always go with you. You have no choice," Natsu said. 

"That's right, Lu-shii. Don't worry much about your rent. You can always live with Natsu and I if your landlord kicks you out of your apartment. Right, Natsu?" Happy said as he tried his best to stock fish in his mouth.

"Mmm-mmh, that's right, Lucy."

"As if I want to live with you two morons!" Lucy said to them. Natsu and Happy just shrugged their shoulders and continued pigging out. A few minutes later, Erza slams the guild's door together with Gray, Wendy, and Carla, the white female exceed.

"Natsu! Happy! Lucy! What did you do again? We just came back from our mission and the townsfolks are talking about what you did about your client. Didn't I say that you should not blow off your clients? Huh, flame idiot?!" Gray said as she punched Natsu right off of his seat, sending him on the ground. Natsu hurriedly stood up and rolled up his sleeves.

"It was not our fault, you Ice Bastard!" Natsu punched him as well, which signalled the start of their fight. 

"Stop it, you two."

Both Natsu and Gray stopped as they heard Erza's command. She walked towards them and punched the two. "Both of you sent your clients flying. You're both idiots!"

Wendy worriedly walked past them while hugging Carla and sat beside Lucy. 

"L-Lucy-san, are you okay?" Wendy asked her. Lucy just sighed and shook her head.

"Natsu blew off our client and we didn't get our reward," Lucy said. Wendy sighed with her. 

"Gray-san and Erza-san also did the same. The townsfolk chased us and forced us to pay for the damage they've done. They said they'll never ask any of the Fairy Tail mages for job ever again," Wendy said.

Once again, Lucy and Wendy sighed as they watched Erza lecturing Natsu and Gray.

"Master will definitely get mad at us again once he comes back from the council meeting and hears about this," Lucy worriedly said. 


Later that day, Lucy decided to look for another job on the quest board. She made sure that Natsu and Happy were busy before doing so, so they wouldn't sneak in her apartment again and threat to steal her quest flyer if she doesn't agree to bring them with her.

"Hmm.. all of them are dangerous and requires fighting. Isn't there any job which I can do all by myself?" Lucy murmured to herself.

"Looking for a job, Lucy?" Mirajane asked her. Lucy nodded and put her fore finger in front of her lips.  "Shh, I'm keeping it a secret from Natsu and Happy."

"Aren't you three a team? You've always been together. I really think you were a perfect team," Mirajane said.

"A perfect disaster, you mean? They always ruin my job. They never use their brains. They're always about fighting!" Lucy ranted.

"But they always protect you, right? I always thought that you two are perfect for each other. Natsu definitely lives up to his nickname, which is the Fire Dragon. And you, are his princess! Happy is his apprentice dragon," Mirajane said dreamily.

"You don't know what you're saying, Mira. More like I was a captive by those two idiot dragons. They never even let me do my job peacefully! They even barge in my apartment whenever they want!"

"But that's just how they show their affection,  you know. They just want to check if you're safe at home that's why I gave them a duplicate of your key--My, my," Mirajane said. "I mean I kept a quest flyer for you because I thought Natsu and Happy might cause you trouble with your last one. Here," Mirajane handed Lucy a flier. 

"Mira! So you're the one who gave them a duplicate of my key?! Wait, why do you even have one?!" Lucy hysterically asked.

"Now, now, just look at the flier, Lucy. I think this will definitely be of your interest."

Lucy just sighed. "Hmm.. The Eternal Promise?" Lucy read the flier. "Exclusive for a celestial spirit mage.." 

"You're the only celestial spirit mage here in the guild, so I thought that this is really meant for you. What do you think?" Mirajane asked her.

"Hmm.. it says here that I should open a gate and get something from there. Then nothing else is said. It's so vague and it definitely looks mysterious. Is this even safe?" Lucy asked Mirajane.

"Well, Celestial wizards are experts in opening gates, right? And look at the reward. You should be able to pay almost 3 years worth of rent with that," Mirajane said.

Lucy's eye twinkled as she saw the reward amount. "2,500,000?! And you're telling me that this is not an S-class quest?!" Lucy's jaw dropped. Mirajane shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not classified as an s-class job, but it is a special quest since it requires opening a gate which celestial wizards can only do. Do you not want it?"

"I-I definitely want it! Oh my, I guess this would be it! This will definitely save me from getting kicked out of my apartment! I'm definitely doing it! Thanks, Mira!" Lucy said as she hugged Mirajane and rushed back to her apartment while holding the flier...

completely unaware that there were two mages snickering as they listen to her and Mira's conversation. 

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