Chapter 2: Trapped

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Third Person's P.O.V.

"Mmm," Lucy rubbed her eyes as she heard noise coming from outside her room. "What's that?" she asked herself as she sat on her bed.

For a while, the noise stopped, so she decided to get back to her sleep. But then, she suddenly remembered that Natsu and Happy always barge in her apartment, so she hurriedly went out of her room.

"Good morning, Luce."

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!" Lucy shouted at Natsu and Happy. The two were sitting on her couch in the living room and casually eating her snacks.

"Fetching you for our job, of course," Natsu told her.

"Aye! Hurry up and change your clothes, Lu-shii. You're such a pervert," Happy said while supressing his laugh. "We're gonna be late for the train!"

"What are you talking about?! Get the hell out of my apartment!" 

"Didn't you hear us, Luce? I said we're going on a job. Have you changed you mind about doing this?" Natsu asked Lucy as he showed her the flier of the mysterious quest he took from her room last night.

"Why do you have that?! Argh! You even sneaked in my room last night?!" Lucy asked as she covered her body with her arms. That's when she remembered that she's not wearing her undergarments because she just got out of bed and is still in her pajamas.

"C'mon Lucy. Stop asking questions and hurry up. I asked Wendy to heal my motion sickness and she said it will not last longer than an hour from now. I really don't get it why her anti-motion sickness spell loses effect faster as she uses it more," Natsu ranted. 

"No, I'm not going with you. Just give me back that flyer because only I can finish that. You're not a celestial mage, Natsu!" Lucy said as she tried to grab the flier from Natsu. Happy looked at Natsu and nodded at him. 

"Well, Happy already packed your things. You can just change into one of your celestial spirit clothes or anything later," Natsu said as he grabbed Lucy's legs and carried her like a sack. Her face is against his broad back.

"Let me go, Natsu! I'll definitely kick your ass once I get down!"

"Lu-shii, you should just behave. Don't worry, I packed your 'special clothes' as well. Wonder when you'll wear it. Are you going to seduce someone during the quest, Lu-shii?" Happy asked mockingly. Lucy's face gone red. "I-It was Erza's gift! I-I don't know why she gave t-that to me!" Lucy defended.

"Lu-shii's face is soooooo red!" Happy teased him as hecarried her luggage. 

"I-It is not! Shut up, you stupid cat! Put me down, I said!" Lucy struggled but Natsu didn't even find it any harder to carry her. 

"Just stay still, Lucy. We got you," Natsu smiled at him as he looked over his shoulder to check on Lucy. Lucy just looked away and crossed her arms, accepting defeat.

"I really don't know what to do about you two anymore..." she ranted. Both Natsu and Happy just laughed and went on to the train station.


"I'll never ride a train ever again," Natsu said as he finished throwing up. Lucy was behind him and lightly tapping his back. 

"No one forced you to ride one," Lucy said. 

"I thought it will only take minutes! I didn't know the place was two and a half-hour away! I thought I was dying!" Natsu overreactingly said.

"We're near, Natsu, don't worry. We can just walk the rest of the journey towards the mansion. I wonder how big it is," Happy said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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