Part 5: dizzy

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When the doctor is finished with my back I can sit up straight and he puts more of that horrible stuff on his cloves for my stomach. I start writing and give it to liam. 'can't we do my stomach later ? it hurts like hell.' Liam ask the doctor but he thinks it's the best to do it now. 'please he is hurting really bad." The doctor shakes his head. "no does he want the scars to fade away or not?'' I nod. "well then suck it up and be a big boy." The doctor seems annoyed. He puts the stuff on the other scars and the process is all over again. Tears floating over my cheeks and sobbing. Liam gives a sad smile and mouths a "sorry" when the doctor is finished. I can't put my sweater on cause it will ruin my sweater. "i'll bring a long sleeve shirt." The doctor leaves the room and goes away. I'm still crying and once I let out a loud scream cause the stuff got into one of the scars the door flies open and liam ruins inside. "you alright?" i shake my head.

'it hurts so bad.' Liam nods and gives a guilty smile. 'sorry i put you in this situation. I didn't think it would hurt this badly." I shake my head. 'it's fine it will help. It's not your fault I wanted it to' liam gives a little smile and i put the shirt on . "wanna watch a movie?" i nod. "which one?" 'Titanic or disney movie.' Liam giggles. "wait can you call louis then i'll call the rest." I nod and write the letter for Louis.
'heyy do you wanna watch a movie with the Group? It would be fun:) it's a disney movie btw' i smile at the letter and walk upstairs. I nock on the door. "come in." Louis is sitting tired on the bed. I look worried at him. I give him the letter. He smiles and says yes. I write another letter.

'lou.. did you exercise again? Be honest oke.' I give it to Louis who reads it and puts the paper away. "Please don't say it to liam. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. it needed to get out of my system." So he vomit.
'Did you throw up? While me and liam were for my treatment?" Louis nods when he is finished with reading.

"sorry hazza but im not fixed yet. But I will eat some popcorn with you?" he smiles. I can't help it but give a smile back.

'Please don't do it again. I care about you. Yeah already :)' Louis blushes and grabs my hand. He wanted to give a hug but I pushed him away and he noticed. Liam later on explained everything to Louis so if i would bleed in my sleep or in the morning he should give a sign cause otherwise i would bleed to death.

We watched the lion king and i loved it. I sat next to Louis and he laid his head on my shoulder. Which was sooo adorable. I blushed the whole time and Liam of course noticed. He smiled and gave me a wink. When it was time for bed Louis helped me with getting ready for bed. He just helped with laying on the bed cause that hurt really badly. Once i layed down i couldn't help but smile. I layed on the side of my body, my face facing Louis' face. He smiled and said goodnight. He closed his eyes and he looked a little sad. Probably because I didn't say anything back.


The next morning I got woken up by a loud bonk causing me to sit straight and then the pain got even worse. I noticed that my shirt was red and Louis was gone. I layed back down again causing the pain to get even worse but I was too scared to go back up again. Once the door opened i was already crying and whining cause the pain was too much.
"omg Harry you ok? Can you say something?" Louis slapped him because I don't talk. I opened my eyes and saw Louis looking worried. Liam lifted me up which hurted even more even I wondered if it could get any worse than this. "i can call the doctor to come. And wash it of?'' I shaked my head. I start writing again.

'no if it helps i wanna keep going.' Liam looks confused about the letter. "why this is way worse." I nod.

'but i get always disgust by the words and that makes me hate myself even worse.' Liam nods and Louis holds my hand cause he read the letter. He just read it. liams grabs some stuff and put my shirt off. I didn't notice that Louis was there cause I had my eyes closed when I gave the letter to liam. Louis gasped and slaps his hand for his mouth. My eyes flicked closed again when I felt that liam was putting some bandage on the scars. "it's going to be fine oke Harry. You believe me right?" i nod and pinch Louis hand.

"who did this to you hazz?" i don't react just whining at the pain. "lou just let him, he is in alot of pain right now." I can't see Louis reaction only that i pinch his hands more when liam puts another bandage on one of the scars on my stomach. "oke Harry you need to turn around so i can do your back." I nod. I don't let go of Louis hand just moving around to show my back to liam. Again i hear Louis gasp and liam signing. 'is it bad?' Louis says yes and liam nods when my eyes meets his Brown eyes. "damn it." i whine. The pain is a little less because I can breathe a little more normal. Louis noticed and rubbed his dum over my hand which helped a lot. Liam is almost done and when he is i put my sweater on.

"Why are there cruel words over your stomach and back?" Louis asks. I just shrug my shoulders causing Louis a weird face.

A/n please tell me if i need to continue :))

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