Chapter 4: Out sick

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Author Notice: Omg sorry for not posting for like forever!! I almost forgot about this because school and life has been a bit stressful lately. But I'm gonna try and promise that I'll post tomorrow!

Lui woke up coughing. Free was right. He had caught a cold. 'Just a stupid cold,' He thought, as he got up to start his day. He didn't feel good, he felt his temperature rising...he caught a fever as well.


Even though I wasn't feeling my best, I managed to dress up and get outside. Just in time to start training.

However, half an hour in, I suddenly blacked out.

I woke up, back in my room. I turned to see someone sitting on the bed. It was Free.

'What...' I questioned. Free turned to look at me. 'I saw you pass out and I couldn't help but worry. I found out your forehead was burning up, so I decided to bring you back home. Told you so...' He explained. 'Whatever- Wait, how do you know where I live-?' I suddenly realised. 'I've seen you walk here a few times, so I figured that you live here.' He answered. I just turned my head to my side.

*Warning: The famous medicine kiss ahead!*

'Are you...feeling okay?' Free asks. 'Not like you care, but yeah, I am,' I reply. 'Here have some of this.' He says, handing me a small cup of what seemed to be, medicine. I couldn't stand medicine, the scent and the taste. Hated it since I was young. 'No way, in your dreams!' I exclaimed, my voice getting hoarse.

Suddenly Free took the medicine himself, leaving me confused. 'Huh?' I said, but before I could finish, I felt his lips meet mine. Before I knew it, he transferred the medicine to my mouth, and I had no choice but to swallow it.

This time however, it didn't taste that bitter, must be Free's saliva.

'Had no choice.' Free said, emotionlessly. 'Just tell me when you need anything,' He continued. 'You know, you're going to get sick too...' I confronted him. 'No worries, as long as you're all better,' He replies. Dang. He really was sweet...under that emotionless face of his.

'Hey De La Hoya...' I call his attention. 'Do you know anyone who loves me...for me? My parents left, and to others, I'm just a cold and brutal person...and maybe they're right..' I sadly say. There was a minute of silence. 'Sure I do,' Free responds. 'I love you, for you,' He says. 'Y-You do..?' I ask again.

He nods.

I can finally tell him how I feel...without the fear of him not feeling the same way.

'You look cold at the surface, but inside, you're just a person who wants someone to care...' Free says. That's the therapy stuff I hate...but, this one's different. It's true. Someone actually understands.

'Can I get another kiss, perhaps?' I suddenly ask, not realizing what I just requested. 'Won't I get sick?' He playfully teases. 'Whatever, forget I even asked...' I reply, feeling somewhat disappointed.

'I was just kidding, of course you can have a kiss.' He admits.

Then, he leans in, and our lips soon meet, melting into a deep yet passionate kiss.

'How about...we make it official?' Free proposes. 'Hah, not so fast, De La Hoya,' I chuckle, I never felt this happy in my life, for as long as I can remember. 'So when will we date?' He asks. 'When I feel like it,' I respond. 'Whatever you say my baby shark,' He continues.

It was 7:00 p.m. when we finished talking about random things, mostly beyblade though. So, I requested Free to make some dinner. Luckily, he knows how to cook 1 or 2 dishes.

After eating, we decided to sleep. I didn't want Free to go, so he agreed to stay over. 

Author Notice: Hoped you enjoyed the fluff. I'm not good at writing kissing scenes or stuff lol. So please excuse this lame piece of a chapter. 

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