|| Author's Note™ ||

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This note has been brought to you by Dangitgrampa-- XD

Uhm, hi. Author-Chan here! I just wanted to make a few things clear before we get started:

1) Nezuko still exists, but she isn't exactly a part of the main plot.

2) Most of this AU contains almost absolutely NOTHING cannon, so you might get confused.

3) I've added a few characters into my AU, all of which are completely fragments of my imagination. Any names of real people are completely by accident.

4) We're gonna skip the part where Tanjiro's family goes oof, okay? :>

5) R E N G O K U I S B E S T B O Y, change my mind I dare you.

6) I'll be adding links and/or song names to music that I think matches the theme of each chapter. Give them a listen, 'kay? "

Okay okay, let's get this show on the road!

- Your friend and fellow KNY fan,
               • Author-Chan® •

WAIT-! One more thing: if you wanna roleplay message me, I might even turn it into my next fanfic!

|| °Everlasting Love ° || { A Demon Slayer Fan Fiction ft. Kotoko Mukami }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora