|| ° "We make a great team..." °™ Part 2 ||

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Kotoko and Tanjiro talked for a while before bed, until Kotoko let out a soft gentle yawn. "You need some sleep," Tanjiro said. "Don't keep yourself awake for me..." Kotoko shook her head. " I'm fine, I just... " she yawned again. "Mmmh..." Tanjiro got up from the bed. "I should go--" "Wait," She called back. At least give me some blood...So I'm not weak when I get up." Tanjiro silently agreed, taking off his upper clothing. "Don't take too much." Kotoko nodded. She but into his neck, and he let out a little noise. "Ngh..." After a few seconds , Kotoko had enough. "Okay." He kicked the bite. Tanjiro twitched . [ Kotoko has saliva that can heal and regenerate small wounds. Her blood has been used in medication. ] "G'night, my innocent cinnamon roll." "Night, Kotoko-Chan!" Tanjiro left, and Kotoko extinguished the lamp lighting up the room. She said her prayers, made sure her swords were within reach, and went to sleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
She submerged into the land of dreams.

[ WARNING: Oof time. The following parts of this chapter depicts graphic deaths. If you don't like reading that stuff, skip the rest of this chapter, I'll recap the non-gross way in the next one. ]

|| Tanjiro's POV - Third Person ||

Tanjiro awoke to a crashing noise. Normally, he would have dismissed it as him being paranoid, but then a familiar sent hit him dead on. 'The smell of blood!' Tanjiro screamed in his head. 'Did Kotoko or Nezuko finally kill someone? Did someone kill them?!' He grabbed his sword, and slowly, silently crept out into the hall. He was on the second floor. The sent was pretty strong, so it was either coming from directly in front of the stairs leading to the second floor, or a few rooms from him. Tanjiro crept toward a door and opened it--- just the elegant bathroom. He kept going, until the blood's smell was so strong he thought he'd pass out. 'Wait...this is Ari's room.' Ari, the sweet, sweet maid. He kicked the door open, and saw a bloody Ari, whimpering quietly on the floor, looking up at the ceiling, as if her eyes couldn't focus any longer. Hovering over her body was a creature with pale skin, orange highlights gave color to his face. He had short, messy black hair, and had multi-colored eyes. He was soaked in Ari's blood. "Tanjiro...Kun..." Ari whimpered. The way she spoke his name broke his heart. The demon suddenly acknowledged his presence, jumping at him. Tanjiro dodged successfully. He tried to land it, but instead landed on his butt. "Ow!" He instantly regretted speaking aloud. He didn't want to wake up the others and have them panic if he didn't need help. Tanjiro got up and leaped away just as the demon charged at him again. 'Okay, maybe I might need help!' Tanjiro charged at the demon this time. But the demon...left. Disappeared into the shadows. He was confused, but knew it wasn't really gone, just hiding. He ran back to Ari, and knelt down beside her. She was in a different position now; on her stomach, whining and crawling weakly, trying to stay alive. She left a trail of blood behind. 'Too much blood...' Tanjiro thought. Once Ari saw he was there she stopped moving. "H-hey, Tanjiro...k-k-kun..." She managed to say. "A-ari! Don't move, I'll get you some help!" Ari shook her head. "Too...late. Can't feel...my...c-chest..." Tanjiro looked more closely, and could see why.

"...Oh my God..."

There was a gaping, bleeding hole where Ari's heart should have been. It was still there, but only the upper half--- it was gushing out blood. Her left lung was completely ripped out, and her right was scratched and torn. Tanjiro could see it expand and deflate, struggling to keep her breathing....
Ari's eyes and voice accepted her defeat. "I...I don't really want to die yet....B-but I guess I'm going to....!" Tears of dread spilled from her eyes. "Tanjiro...Just stay with me. Stay..u-until death.....comes f-f-for....m....m...m...ee...e..." Ari's head dropped as she let out one final sigh.

Tanjiro had to use all his strength to keel from crying.


|| Kotoko's POV - Third Person ||

"Mistress Kibutsuji~"

'What was that?'

Kotoko opened her eyes. "There is a whole lot of weird going on here." She sighed and turned back over to return to sleep. "Mistress Kibutsuji~" 'You're hallucinating, girl. Get yourself together!' "I'll find you, Mistress Kibutsuji~" The voice said. "Master needs you now." Kotoko sat up and looked around. 'Is this a dream?' "Tanjiro?" Kotoko whispered. She got up, grabbing her katanas. She attached them to be clothing and snuck out of the room. She picked up on Tanjiro's smell, mixed with some other sent. But there was something else mixed in.


The sent got stronger, coming towards her. Was someone bleeding? 'Or maybe someone covered in someone else's.' Kotoko thought. Turns out the first guess was right. Ayoama came into view, her stomach bleeding. She was cradling a broken arm. "Kotoko!" She screamed--- Kotoko had never seen her so scared. "Kotoko, run! Run now, they're here---!"

The sound of cloth ripping and bones breaking was ear-splitting as Kotoko watched helplessly as Omika Ayoama's torso was ripped apart by an invisible force. Kotoko screamed with rage and agony.

"I've found you, Mistress Kibutsuji."
Kotoko looked up to see the very same demon Tanjiro had, only now he was so drenched in blood that it dripped from his hair as he hung from the ceiling, upside down. Kotoko had sworn she'd seen him somewhere...

Now was NOT the time to think about that. This...this monster has just taken your part-time guardian from her. Kotoko's eyes became a deep, blood red, and with one smooth gesture of her hand, he fell and hit the floor. The demon--- whatever his name was--- seemed determined to get you, but he didn't want you dead. "Master needs you now." That's what he said. Kotoko realized that she'd find her father after all.

Just not the one she had been looking for...

[ I love how Tanjiro didn't get help XD ]
[Anywayyy, Hope you like this garbage. °^° If there's something you'd like to see in this story, please comment, and I might consider it. :b ]


|| °Everlasting Love ° || { A Demon Slayer Fan Fiction ft. Kotoko Mukami }Where stories live. Discover now