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Name: Alexis B. Ridgewell

Age: 13/ 19

Pronouns: She/ Her or They/Them

Sexuality: Demisexual Panromantic💜🤍🖤 💖💛💙

Likes: Bacon, Cola, Singing, Drawing, Candy, Pizza, Anime, Cats, Anything Fuzzy, Lofi Hip Hop Beats, Watching YouTube, positive vibes, crafts,

Dislikes: Mean people, Dogs, Pineapple on pizza, spicy food, Homophobia/trans phobia/aphobia, racists, bullies, negativity, Fortnite, spiders

Appearance: Image on top

Story: This really depends on who I rp with. Sometimes she's Tom and Edd's daughter, sometimes she's Tom's sister, or is never related to any of them at all. 

(I had to remake this)

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