Chapter one

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* One day later *


" Do you have any idea, in how much trouble you caused Bismarck!!! " Kaiser yells at Bismarck after she slapped her.

" I-I-I.." Bismarck tried to come up with a excuse.


" Don't even dare think about an excuse, there none that'll save you as too what will come!!! " Kaiser yelled.

All of Ironblood were watching as Bismarck was getting lectured and punished, then Tirpitz started begging.

" Please stop!!! " Tirpitz yelled.

" Kaiserin. " Kaiser called her sister.

" Got it. " Kaiserin said.

Kaiserin then punches Tirpitz in the stomach, making Tirpitz fall on her knees, Kaiserin then hits Tirpitz on the back with her elbow, Tirpitz falls on the floor.

" Nuisance neutralized Kaiser. " Kaiserin said.

" Thank you, now then Bismarck..." Kaiser looked at Bismarck. " Your Lucky that I'm still alive, if not then you and Ironblood would be in the deepest part of the ocean with the sharks, I have contacted someone, and organized a negotiation, you'll stay here in base, your are not too mobilize any of you ships until you are given the okay sign by me, got it. " Kaiser said with venom in her tone.

Bismarck just nods.

" Though it might be hard sense some people decide it would be okay too gas some Royal Navy girls, that our problem too deal with, from here, we'll be taking charge of Ironblood. " Kaiser said.

" Bu- " Kaiser cut off Bismarck.

" But what, are you.....objecting my authority....? " Kaiser said while radiating a menacing.

Bismarck just stayed quiet.

" Good. " Kaiser said before leaving.

When she exited the door of the meeting hall.

She was met with Scharnhorst and this time, with Gneisenau, they both look down in shame for not contacting her about the plans sooner.

" Guessing you both are here to apologize? " Kaiser said.

" Yes Kaiser... " Gneisenau said.

"......That isn't necessary. " Kaiser said.

This left both sisters shocked.

" But my Kaiser! if we contacted you much earlier, this would- " Before Scharnhorst could finish, she was pulled into a hug, this as well happened to Gneisenau, there were both hugged by Kaiser, putting there faces in her chest.

" Sooooo soft~ " Both sisters thought to themselves.

and of course this didn't went unnoticed by Kaiser, she knew both sisters loved her chest when she would give them hugs, ever sense they were created.

" You two haven't change one bit~ " Kaiser said.

" How I missed these two, just having these two near me...makes me happy, it's been far too long. " Kaiser thought to herself.

" Hmmmm~ swoft brist~ " Gneisenau said, though it was muffled.

Kaiser then let's go of them, which they pout because of this action.

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