The A'un Gates

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Author's Note: Remember this was written in January 2022 so the contents in this story may not match with the contents in the manga or anime in future weeks or years. You could call this an AU if that becomes the case! Anyways, let's begin.

The Rogue

The A'un Gates. The welcome to the Leaf Village. The entrance to a place filled with temporary peace. Its menacing tall figure lumbered over the blonde haired boy as his eyes gazed over the red letters bolded upon the wooden gate. But what was more menacing to him was himself.

He was the cause of destruction and he was the cause as to why the everlasting peace of the Leaf Village was disturbed. What better solution is there than to leave this place, if he knew it would bring a much brighter future to most? It's only better and logical to leave. But then again, was he ever logical? No, he promised himself he'd leave, even if his heart ached not to.

He looked over his shoulders to see the fallen soldiers. Defeated only by him. His hands. The quiet and stillness of the night only made the situation a bit more anxious. It was way past his bedtime. He chuckled at the thought.

Boruto: I'll protect you, Konoha, even if Dad or Sasuke-san doesn't know about it, I swear I will!

He fistbumped the air infront of him, supposedly imagining at least 20 fistbumps back, of his family and friends. But in the end, he won't be seen as someone you'd fistbump, for they'd later see him as an enemy who betrayed them. That's what they did with Kawaki. Is it not obvious they'd do the same with him?

He dug his hands in his pockets and started manoevring his own legs against his own will. It would only take a few seconds to exit but its the confidence, the bravery that really counts. And so, he waited a few more seconds, standing and reminiscing, and then took another step which made him land on the side. The other side of a gate which held him in and a village that he destroyed.

He learnt how to remove chakra so that he won't be identified. He didn't quite want to learn it but this was dire. He kept the process in his mind from Kawaki just in case. Even though Kawaki turned his back on his own village, he never truly saw him as a rogue until that day. The day Kawaki attempted visiting the village and then trying to blow it up, as per Code's orders. The very day Boruto grew in rage and destroyed the village himself, even though he tried to protect it. Code and Eida was Kawaki's gang, the very one gang that he was going to join so no harm comes across the village's way. He won't let that happen. Not on his watch.

Boruto looked around for a final check to see that no one knows he was leaving and no one knows which way he is headed.

Boruto: I'll leave now.... Take good care of this village......everyone....

Boruto could feel hot tears stinging at his eyes but he gulped them away. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't cry. He needs to become strong. Stronger than ever.

And yet, he still wanted a miracle to happen. Maybe that someone close to him appears and tells him that it was a bad idea or maybe even something in his minds sparks an interest to stay. But he realised he wasn't in a fairytale. And that none of that would happen unless it was sheer coincidence. He turned his broad back on his own village and started pacing along the road, his pace becoming rapidly faster with each step. Until, he was running. Frantically. And with absolutely no control over his legs. Deeper into the over towering trees.

It all came flooding back, the assembling of Team 7, the missions, the one time he cheated during the Chunin exams, the time Momoshiki came and invaded the village. After that, he was deemed a hero and someone who destroyed an enemy, only to realise that what they said would only be backfired. He isn't the hero, he IS the enemy. And he always will be until the Otsutsuki inside his body is rid of.

The day he met Kawaki was the start of it all. At that time, he only believed that his powers can be used for good purposes like sinply absorbing attacks or making attacks that look similar to wood style. But as time between the two boys grew, he came to realise more and more that this power he acquired was actually a curse.

It began with him hurting his father and master, having them scarred because of him. He was weak to fight against Momoshiki and so let himself be possessed by a power with so many strong unknowns. But strong unknowns is what leads to danger, right?

Suddenly, his mind drifted to the day Kawaki decided to group with Eida and Code. He originally planned to do it for Lord Seventh. But, things grew out of hand and it didn't take much time until Kawaki reappeared, only to be accompanied by ticking bombs.
Boruto was so enraged he became a different person. Rather, he wasn't even himself. He was going to obliterate everything. He'd only left the Hokage tower in one until.....Sarada. She came behind Boruto and held him close to her so tightly from his back, Boruto was only bound to wake up and try to fight against Momoshiki. But before Boruto prevailed, he remembers Momoshiki giving her such a powerful kick, that she coughed out blood, along with her chakra being fully used up. Boruto never really understood, why she gave him an embrace despite the fact the risk of her being hit was really high and also the fact that Sarada was low on chakra. Sarada was level-headed. She wouldn't jump to reckless conclusions.

Nevertheless, Sarada was badly injured and it was all because of him.

Sarada was still in hospital. It's been two months and yet she's still only trying to walk. The last time he saw her, which was earlier today, she looked so angry and it was only too evident when she didn't want to meet his eyes or when she clenched her fists too much.

Suddenly, Boruto's eyes grew open to meet eyes with a dark blue aqua hue. Black hair trimmed at the sides, exposing yellow.

Boruto: You finally show yourself before me, Kawaki.....

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