A Pointed Blade

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Boruto wiped the blood that oozed itself out from the corner of his mouth. He tried standing up to prove himself strong but he just couldn't be on par with Kawaki. Not with the conviction he made to himself.

Kawaki: You're losing. That's not common.

Boruto clenched his teeth.

Boruto: I already told you. I won't leave until you accept my request to let me into your group. Believe me when I say I have left the Leaf Village. For sure.

Kawaki threw Boruto a calculating look. Boruto returned the serious gaze. At least he wasn't lying in his statement before. If he did, maybe he'd have less of a chance at succeeding to remain his calm gaze.

Kawaki: I also told you that I don't believe you. Not when you're leaving Hokage-sama and Sasuke.

Boruto: Hokage-sama? That just shows how you have regard for the Hokage and the Leaf Village. Thats ludicrous, especially because you're a rogue ninja who turned their back on the village.

Kawaki: . . . Anyways, you'll still miss Hinata and Himawari. Oh, and your precious comrades, Mitsuki and Sarada.

Kawaki knew that hit Boruto. Especially the last comment. He considered his comrades family more than people who had the same DNA as him. He wasn't even able to properly say goodbye to them. What also hit him is that Kawaki wasn't in the list of 'precious comrades'. It budged him just that bit more.

Kawaki: Go back, before I actually kill you. I've killed you once, it won't be hard to do it again. I don't care whether you want to stay or not because I know you don't.

Boruto could only bear the pain in his chest so much. His heart throbbed louder and louder until it rang like a ringtone in his eardrums. What if he really wanted to go back. To where he was born and belong. However, reconciling would be an issue at that stage.

Boruto: Then, kill me.

Kawaki's eyes widened and jaw dropped. He was once again asked to kill someone. To Kawaki, Boruto's confrontational skills were daunting, especially to Kawaki. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop. Not when he's so close to victory.

Kawaki drew his sword from his sheath that was attached to his upper belt and pointed the blade at Boruto. Boruto's gaze remained unfazed from the sudden appearance of a blade being pointed to it. The light from the moon reflected the tip, making it stand out in his blurry vision.

Kawaki inched forward, trying that every step he'll make will at least make Boruto try to go backwards. It'll make him look superior and stronger. Yet Boruto never inched back at all, not even once.

Kawaki looked at his hands. They were shaking. At first he felt a pump of triumph. But then, he realised Boruto was a human like him. He was scared to be killed like everyone. He still wrnt forward until Boruto's heart aligned with Kawaki's blade.

Boruto didn't manifest his Otsutsuki powers, Kawaki realised that. He could've if he wanted to and defeat Kawaki. But he didn't.

Kawaki: You really are crazy

Boruto looked up.

Boruto: I know.

Both of them valued the silence. The killing could only take a second but Kawaki actually wanted this. This moment with his brother.

Kawaki: You're in. 

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