Finding Out

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The One who Stayed

Sarada's POV

I hate to admit it. I don't want to admit it, mainly and purely because I want to become Hokage. But.....I'm weak. I keep on scolding Boruto for making wrong decisions but who am I to say that? It was a wrong decision from the start to even believe I was a great ninja.

I couldn't even look Boruto in the eye yesterday. I was so weak, so worthless, to even be deemed the title of his captain. Let alone his friend. Haha, what am I thinking? I was never his friend to begin with and he was never mine. What am I doing playing around with the word 'friend' now? It was never something I'd use to describe Boruto either. Whatever. I can't, no, I won't stay here any longer. I will get out of here, and I will train to get better.

Sarada POV end

As Sarada came stumbling out with one of her legs failing her and her depending on the other leg to lead her the way.

As she travelled along the streets of Konoha, well dirt tracks as the streets were no longer existant, she saw lights being shown in all directions in a line along the A'un Gate. Sarada picked up the pace  when she saw her blue haired team mate standing at the entrance, speaking with her father and Lord Seventh. Shikadai, Inojin and Chocho were also standing there, with utter surprise on their faces. Mitsuki, despite being one who rarely showed an expression, looked as if he was too shocked to say something.

Sarada came closer, even though she was limping. Sasuke noticed his daughter first.

Sasuke: Sarada! Why are you here?

Sasuke had a rather indifferent character but at the presence of his daughter at such an awful time, his tone and manner changed. Lord Seventh looked frantic too.

Naruto: Sarada, you're still recovering! You should still be at the hospital.

Sarada: Oh well....(mumbles)

Chocho: What was that? Oh well, whatever it was, you should go back. Nothing serious is going on.

Chocho was Sarada's best friend, so obviously she had more of an idea as to whether Chocho was lying or not. And all the signs were pointing to her lying. She wasn't eating her chips calmly or munching slowly while she was speaking. Just as Sarada opened her mouth, Mitsuki stepped forward.

Mitsuki: Sasuke Uchiha-san, Lord Seventh, I must escort Sarada back to the hospital, if that's okay with you.

Naruto: You may leave, but come here as soon a possible.

To Sarada, that was super odd. Normally, Lord Seventh would be telling Mitsuki to take his time, because that's just the lenient man he is. He would never be acting this serious unless the matter was that urgent. Sarada wanted to speak but every chance she had was often interrupted. She never knows if it was coincidental or deliberate.

Mitsuki took her by the hand and both walked at a slow pace, a pace that was comfortable.

Sarada: So Mitsuki, what happened there-

Mitsuki: Oh, don't you feel tired? Let me carry you!

Sarada: Mitsuki-

Mitsuki took her in his arms and away they flew from roof to roof. Sarada looked at his face, he looked reminescent and agonised.

Sarada: Will you answer me?-

Mitsuki: We're here!

Mitsuki entered through the window of her room and laid her on the bed and started going to the window. He really was in a rush. Sarada clenched her fists. Why wasn't Mitsuki telling her anything? Actually, he never did tell her anything. He always told Boruto. She wasn't relevant. And yet, she still felt the audacity to ask him so many questions, despite being so irrelevant.

Sarada: Mitsuki! What happened ?!

Mitsuke stopped by the ledge of the window, about to jump out. He looked back and his golden eyes met Sarada's dark ones. Agony. She knew he was feeling agony. He's so great at masking his feelings and this is one he can't mask well? Well, it must be intense then.

He turned back and jumped from the ledge and landed on a nearby tree. Mitsuki was thinking the same thing. What happened? Why did it happen? He felt a tear in his eye as he jumped from roof to roof back to the A'un Gate. He never had tears, leave alone hot stinging ones.

Mitsuki looked at his arms.

Mitsuki: I just did what Boruto would've done. If he saw you in that state, he would've helped you so much better. He'd do it better than me though. But I'll do the best I can to keep you happy, if that's what my sun wants. I don't know much about his likes other than his love for burgers and fighting but I also know he treasures you, so I'll keep you safe, until I know you are with him. Safer than ever.

---Next Morning---

Sarada looked longingly outside the window. The sky was grey with dark clouds accumulating the sky and a distant light streak can be seen running through the sky.

She looked back at her book. A Ninja's Sacrifices written by Arisa To. She was a former shinobi in the 4th Great Shinobi War, not one of the well known ones but one that was infamous for her recording of events in her diary until she tragically died. This girl wasn't famous but she was strong, strong enough to write everything she experienced though they were traumatic ones. How Sarada wished she was as talented as her.

The silence was disturbed by her aunt Hinata bursting through the door, catching her attention. Himawari came in clinging on to the cloth of Hinata's clothes. She was rubbing her face on her sleeve and leaving marks of wet tears on them. Hinata's eyes were swollen too. But even though that was the case, Hinata attempted smiling brightly.

Hinata: are you feeling?

Sarada: Aunt Hinata, Himawari-chan, What happened ?! Why are you both crying.

Himawari: You don't know?! Bo-

Hinata: It's nothing Sarada, it truly is nothing.

Her voice trailed off as she began looking out the window. Sarada knew she wasn't okay but still offered both of them a seat next to her.

Sarada looked at them with solemn eyes and tried changing the subject. She couldn't bear to see Himawari with swollen eyes. She doesn't even want Himawari to bear the struggles of the shinobi world. So she started talking about her day and telling them about the book she was reading. She specifically said the funny parts. Himawari looked up with a smile and eventually the beam she wore everytime became prevalent on her face again.

Himawari: At least I have you, Sarada Oneesan! If I have you, maybe one day I won't need Boruto anymore.

Sarada eyed her.

Sarada: Why? Did you fight with Boruto?

Himawari: Sarada Oneesan, he-!

Hinata suddenly flew her hands over Himawari's mouth.

Hinata: We should.....we should get going. Take care, Sarada-chan!

Hinata frantically made her way to the doorway ushering her 12 year daughter out.

Sarada: Please tell me what happened! Maybe I can help-

Hinata: Sarada-chan!

Sarada looked at her surprisedly. Her aunt was never strict or in any way assertive with her.

Sarada: Hm?

Hinata hesitated then faced her with watery eyes.

Hinata: Boruto....he....he left the village.

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