Velveta cheese

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"Can I ask you,  Y/n , do you not get jealous?"

I breathed a laugh at agent Carter and took a sip from my glass.

"Occasionally... when he spends more than a night with one of them, but I'm the only one he comes back to."

"But there's so many of them."

"I think of it like this Peggy , each woman is a piece of cheese. There's all different kinds, flavors. A lot of them are great. Howard wants to sample them all. But I'm-I'm that cheese Howard likes that you can melt. What's that called?"

"Velveta." Jarvis chimed in.

"Yes. That."

"Your comparing yourself to cheese?"


"So your his favorite?"

"Obviously, but more than Jarvis help me out here."

"He loves her."
Me and Peggy responded to this at the same time.

"It's true. Mr. Stark just has an odd way of showing it."

"By sleeping with other women?" Peggy raised her eyebrows in protest. She would never understand our relationship. She thought me weak for it.

"We're not committed to each other. He can do what he wants."

"And what about you? Are you seeing other men?"

"Well not at the same pace he sees women....I've had a few...ron de vous..."

Jarvis who had been done cleaning pretended to busy himself in the sink. He had begun to think this conversation was not for his ears, yet curiosity got the best of him.

"How many?"
Y/n gave Peggy a look of disgust.
"In the past six months. How many men?"

"Not that it's any of your business but three."

"Three? Howard does more than that in a week!"

"Well he is a man and men usually have a much higher sex drive then-"

"That's not the point. The point is despite my love for Howard you deserve a real relationship. You should tell him that if he really loved you he'd commit to you."

"No it's not like that he wouldn't-"

"If I may impose," Jarvis could not help himself. "If given the choice between all other cheese or velveta, Mr Stark would undoubtedly chose velveta."

"Not if he hasn't tried spiced Romanian cheddar. He might like it better."

"You think so little of yourself."

"On the contrary Peggy. I think so highly of myself that his commitment means nothing.

Howard starkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang