Chapter 7

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Max's POV
As my alarm clock goes off I hit the button and slug off to my closet, I pick out a casual shirt with jeans. I quickly get ready and heads downstairs to eat breakfast with my dad like usual.
"Good morning son."
"Morning dad, your in a good mood this morning." I yawn a bit as he sets my plate in front of my usual spot as I sit down.
"I've got the interview today."
"That's amazing, mom would be so proud of you." I see his sad expression with i mentioned mom, he used to tell me stories about her to me when I was younger and he always says I look like her.
"I miss her a lot."
"I know dad I miss her too." I wave to him goodbye as I walk out the door, when I get on the school grounds I see a girl with familiar hair walking into school as boys cat call her. I remember that I have studying to get done for the exam this week, i quickly rush over to the library to meet Sierra for a study thing. I walk into the library and I see her wave me over to a table with three other people.
"Max, you made it I want to introduce my friends." She points to Misty, a girl that I have chem but had no other interaction with, then she points to Bryan and Elise which are twins, I know Bryan because he's on the baseball team with me and his twin sister Elise is in cheer. I take a seat next to Sierra as we all get out the textbooks. After a few minutes, I set off walking to my locker and I see the same girl from earlier in the parking lot talking to Brad i walk closer wanting to see who the girl is and I catch a little of their conversation.
"Come on Leigh, it'll be fun just me and you." 'The girl in the parking lot was Leigh, i didn't recognize her since she's wearing a skirt and not her normal outfit.' I move closer to see him put his hand underneath her skirt, she slaps his hand away but he doesn't it again. I walk up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Am i interrupting something here?" I look at Leigh as I feel Brad jump when I placed my hand on his shoulder, she looks down while he clears his throat. "Umm no man we were just talking about chem class." 
"Ah ok."
"I have to go somewhere, umm bye Leigh." He quickly leaves and it's just me and Leigh, i open my locker as she just looks at the floor.
"What?" I look at her confused
"Thanks for that."
"Oh it's nothing, it's what friend do also you look really pretty." She goes silent and the bell rings for first period, we walk there in silence Mr. Shay walks in and writes something on the board.
"Can anyone tell me about DNA?" He points to the bold letters and no hands go up, he nods and hands out a packet with some information.
"You will be working in pairs of one boy and one girl and you will make a dragon baby from what y'all learn, you will also present this to me in two weeks." A few groans can be heard around the classroom as I feel a soft tap on my shoulder i turn and find Leigh looking at me.
"Do you want to partner up for this?"
"Yea." I smile at her as we move our desk closer together to talk about this project, after class we go off to lunch i sit with my friends from the baseball team. I scan the lunch room and find Leigh by herself reading a book with nothing to eat, i walk over and sets my plate in front of her.
"Here eat." 
"I already did."
"No you didn't because you have been sitting here since lunch started."
"What are you stalking me now?" She smiles just a little which I give one back in return.

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