Jason Grace's Death: Part 1: Jason Goes to the Underworld

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Jason wakes up on the bank of an unknown river. He looks to his right and sees wispy souls trying to get across to the other side of the river. He looks to his left and sees a man on a boat bringing souls to the other side, if they had a coin. Jason started to check his pockets but stopped. Something's wrong. Where's everyone else? Where's Meg and Grover and.....Piper. The realization swept over like the chills that Annabeth got back on the Argo II. He was dead.

Author's  Note: Hi! Sorry to end it like this but I ran out of ideas and I'll make Part 2 tomorrow. Also if you don't know these people please read The Percy Jackson series, The Heroes of Olympus series, and The Trials of Apollo series (not like I've read them all, I still need to read Trials of Apollo). This will make much more sense then.

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