Jason Grace's Death: Part 4: The Part That Is Based Off of a Meme

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"Rise nephew," boomed Pluto. Jason slowly looked up and saw the two women up close. One was Proserpina, Pluto's wife. The other was Venus. Why the most beautiful woman in creation, who hated men who were imperfect by a tiny bit, would be in such a gloomy place he didn't know. Venus took one look at Jason and became her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite. "Pluto, why is this boy here?", she asked Pluto. "It's not his time yet." Pluto calmly looked at her and said, "He sacrificed himself for the good of others, he made the choice". Aphrodite walked toward Jason. He suddenly became nervous. Aphrodite swung her leg back and literally PUNTED Jason to the world of the living. "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE MY DAUGHTER SAD BOY!!!!!!!!!" Aphrodite yelled. "APHRODITE NO!!", yelled Pluto.

Heroes of Olympus: My Version of Jason's DeathWhere stories live. Discover now