Jason's Death Part 3: Jason Meets Pluto

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Jason walked around and around and around the Underworld before finding the three-headed dog, Cerberus. The dog sniffed Jason before standing up, allowing him a passage to the panel of Judges. Jason was able to slip away from the Judges and went on his way, through the Fields of Asphodel, the Furies, and Kampé. Wait, Kampé?? Shouldn't she be in Tartarus? Jason trembled as he watched Kampé sniff the air. Kampé's red eyes fixed on Jason. She snarled and charged at him. Jason rolled out of the way but she ran into a stalagmite and staggered back, her eyes obviously not working. Jason got up and continued on his way. He soon found himself in a dark room with two women and one man. Recognising the man he immediately bowed and said, "Lord Pluto."

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