Windows closed, curtains closed, doors closed, sharp and shrill notes, constant tutting, tearing off of papers, aggressive flipping of pages.

"Not this too." Levi a 2nd year student of a Music University somewhere in Ireland, was locked up in the studio passionately trying to come up with ideas for his recording.

A project that was assigned to the students taking up classical music, they were to compose their own music and showcase it by the end of the year and three months had already gone by.

Levi hummed a few tunes, scribbled the notes on his notebook, but as he proceeded to play the tunes in the violin, they all sounded good but very incomplete.

"Something is missing, there's a hole to fill in." He mumbled, tangling his fingers in his hair and gave out a frustrated growl.

Frustrated, he tore off the note scrunched the note and threw it towards the dustbin near the door. In sync, the door opened and,
"Hey!" A tall blonde man stood there dumbfounded at the violent but not so violent welcome of the scrunched up paper that was thrown towards his face.

Levi turned around and stared at the blonde with a dead look on his face. "That's what you get for not knocking before entering." He retorted. The blonde opened his mouth to retort back but nothing came out.

"Anyways......hi, I was just moping around when I heard someone playing the violin.......and yes some animal like sounds uhm." He said. "I'm Erwin by the way, Erwin Smith." He stuck his hand out for a handshake.

Whereas the other stood there with a face which seemed to say, 'Are you serious right now' because boy was gaping at the blonde who had his hand sticking out for a handshake, towards the dustbin.
"Excuse me Smith I'm here." Levi clicked his fingers and a flustered Erwin pulled back his hand and turned towards the sound extending it again.

Levi sighed and looked at Erwin, who had a faraway look. He was holding his hand out for a shake but had his eyes somewhere else. That's when it hit Levi.
He finally shook his hand and introduced himself. "Levi Ackerman here......and hey are you like, you know, like you don't have a good eyesight?" He cringed at his own words on how it sounded.

Erwin smiled, "Ah yes, I'm blind. I lost my eyesight 6 years back when....." his smiled disappeared and he couldn't bring himself to continue the sentence.

Levi caught onto this. "You don't need to say it Smith. Not really interested in your weeping story but I want to know whether you're gonna leave or stay now because I need to continue with my work." Erwin raised his eyebrows in surprise, very interested in the man now.

"I'll leave but, before that could you play a piece for me?" He said. Now Levi rolled his eyes but got his bow and violin ready anyways.

"Name it Smith." Levi said with a sass to his tone.

Erwin's clouded eyes lit up. "What about......could you- could you play the Devil's Trill?"

Levi's eyebrows shot up. The Devil's Trill? It was a piece he most tried to avoid. "The Devil's Trill. I expected something more like Schindler's List from you." He said hoping Erwin would change his mind.
But Erwin already held that 'I want you to play it, please play it' face.

Levi sighed, "Fine, have a seat."  Levi said pointing towards a chair. Satisfied, Erwin groped the air for the chair.
The other man sighed again and led Erwin by the arm, seating him on the chair. The blonde thanked the man and got comfortable, eager to hear him play the piece.

"The Devil's Trill......" Levi mumbled. "It might not be as perfect as you expect it to be but bare with it." He said. Erwin nodded and crossed his legs, hands on his lap.

Levi drew out a drew out a shaky breath, tucked the violin under his chin and raised his bow.

Then it began........

        The Devil's Trill Sonata.


Halooo!!  I hope yall enjoyed this chapter so far.

I don't have much knowledge about classical violin music but I since I listen mostly to alot of piano pieces.

However this violin piece, "The Devil's Trill" I feel like needs to reach out to more people.

If yall haven't listened to it, check it out! The story behind it is veeeryyy interesting and strange.

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