Erwin had only planned to stay for a few minutes. But in the end of course he stayed for a whole two hours. It had probably been one of the best days since he ever arrived to this university. 

When it was first learnt that the principal's son was going to stay in the university, people wouldn't stop talking about how the boy who lost his sight was arriving. Many pitied him.

When Erwin was first introduced, everyone helped him around, tried to befriend him and make him feel comfortable to the new environment. 

However, within time people started to get sick of him and turned their back against him. He once heard one of the students say,

 "I arrived late to the lecture hall because I had to escort the blind boy to the cafeteria. Gosh can't he stick to one place? Why does he have to run everywhere. I got scolded just for helping him."

"Right? The same happened to one of my friends from another block last time. She complained about how she was lectured by the professor for being late because of that guy."

"It annoys me so much like, why does a blind person have to go everywhere. Can't he stay in one place quietly?"

"I guess making everyone frustrated is his only job, since he can't do anything cuz he's blind ya know." 

Erwin's heart shattered on hearing this conversation. He believed that people had only helped him out of genuine concern. But hearing this he started to doubt it and his doubts had been cleared that very afternoon.

He was walking to his father's office when he tripped and pushed a girl in front of him, falling together with him on top. 

Now anyone would've misunderstood this scene. 

He hurriedly tried to get up, apologizing profusely not knowing that the very person he fell on top of, was once of the girls he overheard earlier. 

"How troublesome...." she murmured, a little too loudly for it to be a murmur. Erwin froze at the comment and the hall went silent. Everyone's attention now directed to her. She was indifferent, dusting off her clothes she looked up and saw everyone looking at her and then at Erwin who had a blank look on his face, just standing there like a statue. 

The situation dawned upon her. "What? Did I lie?"

One of the students spoke against her. "How can you say that with no shame? He got a disadvantage here, can't you be a little more considerate?" The boy looked young and frail with big blue eyes and striking yellow hair, but very firm and determined.
However to Erwin, he was just another one of the audiences he troubled.

"Oh I'm sorry for speaking the truth. I know more than half the crowd here agrees with me. But you all are just cowardly hypocrites who want to stay in the good side of Mr. blind boy here since he's the son of a renowned professor. But I don't care anymore. He needs to know how much of a burden he has been to everybody till now." she fought back.

People slowly started to whisper words of agreement while Erwin just stood there, trying to control his emotions. 

Suddenly a loud slap was heard, echoing through the hallway. Gasps arose and Erwin looked up towards where the sound came from.

In Erwin's eyes, there was nothing but just darkness. But what others saw, was guy with his hands raised and a girl holding her cheek.

The boy who defended Erwin before had just slapped the girl. 

The said girl just stood there frozen. 

"I can't believe you would stoop as low as to belittle someone who has lost their sight, while you are enjoying life just because you are blessed enough to have your sight. Same goes for you all who agreed with her. Put yourself in Erwin's shoes first and then open your stinky mouths. Oh.....I think it'd be wiser for you all to keep it shut for it might pollute the air."

The said boy had stunned everyone. He slowly went to Erwin's side and held his arm to support him. "I'm sorry about them Erwin, their comments are invalid so you need not pay any attention to them." 

Erwin smiled a small smile and whispered a thank you to the guy. 

Suddenly the guy was pulled back by the collar. 

"You dare slap me?!" the girl from before was going to slap him when a hand held her wrist. 

"Eren!" the blonde boy said his face beaming.

"Heyo Armin, you gave them a third degree burn. You rock." the guy named Eren said. The blonde boy, whose name turned out to be Armin, blushed slightly and turned his attention back to the girl, who had now let go of his collar. 

"I don't hurt women, but do anything else, this wrist of yours I'm holding, will break." Eren said.

The girl was trembling but she still had her pride so she scoffed and shook Eren's hand off and stomped away. The crowd then slowly dispersed still whispering and gossiping. Not like it'd stop now though.

Erwin let out a sigh of relief and bowed his head towards the two boys. 

"Thank you so much for standing up for me. I'm sorry to have troubled you like that. I can manage from here."

"Well, no." Armin said and then nudged Eren. Eren looked at him confused and then quickly picked up Erwin's fallen stick and rushed to his other side.

Erwin was dumbfounded at their actions. 

"There's no way, we are letting you go all alone after whatever that's happened. Where do you need to go? We'll help you there." Armin said while Eren nodded with a proud smile, not like Erwin could see though. Erwin smiled an awkward smile.

"Sorry....I'm heading to my father's office. Sorry for the trouble again."  

Armin huffed, "Stop apologizing we're doing the right thing. Come on let's head off now."

Ever since that day, no comment on Erwin was heard. He now had Eren and Armin, who never left his side unless they had to go for lectures. Grateful to them, Erwin promised that one day, he would repay them in any way he could. For friends like these, stay till the end.









HALO LMAO. This was just a chapter about a part of Erwin's past. Must've been boring ik. 
But I promise you, the next chapter will have more of Eruri moments.
OH AND arent yall glad I included Eremin? Hmmmmmm???👀👀👀👀

Love yall muahh<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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