It was magical.

Never had Erwin felt so many emotions at once, except for that one time when Erwin lost his sight but that's a story for another day.

He sat tight in the chair gripping his knees, when Levi's playing overwhelmed him every now and then. He could not see how Levi was sweating profusely and trying to stay calm, but he could hear the ragged breaths Levi let out and how the notes trembled when he played it.

All of a sudden the playing ceased and Levi stood there with a terrified look on his face, but of course, not like Erwin could see it and he didn't question Levi either. It was in his gut feeling, he thought it was better to not ask. Instead he commented, "That was really good you know...."

Levi huffed. "It's okay Smith, you need not lie to make me feel better for spoiling-"

"I'm not though. I'm not trying to make you feel better, I was simply stating the truth Levi." Erwin cut him off and stared right at Levi as though he could see him.

Levi remained silent and stared back at Erwin. The silence lasted for so long that Erwin thought the other party had left after being angered. "Uh, Levi?" Finally Levi let out a sigh and brought the violin back under his chin. "Listen to this and tell me what you think Smith." he said and Erwin huffed, relieved that he had not made Levi upset.

"Go ahead."

He then raised his bow and played a not so long tune, a tune so sweet that the audience could get diabetes.

A tune so delicate that Erwin thought that if it was ever possible to touch it, it would break.

A tune so unexplainable that one would not know, whether to smile or cry.

A tune that was meant to be heartbreaking to Levi, but a tune that healed Erwin.

"How was that? It's a piece I composed." The brunette asked, trying not to sound too eager as he waited for a response from the blonde, who was now staring elsewhere. He stared at where Levi was standing as the said guy watched him curiously. Then all of a sudden Erwin began to clap softly, catching Levi off guard.

"That was beautiful." he finally said making Levi smirk a little. "As beautiful as me?" he teased. 

Erwin paused for a moment. "I don't know what you look like though...." he said and Levi's smirk dropped as he visibly flinched for forgetting that Erwin was blind.

"Uhm anyways just forget about it. gonna stay here or go....?" Levi asked but he already knew the answer.
"Let me stay please? Just for a few more minutes, then I'll get out of your sight." Erwin pleaded.

"I never told you to get out my sight, you're making me feel like the bad guy,"

"Ah well, I just assumed you'd want that."

A small smile crept up Levi's lips.
"You can stay as long as you want, provided you don't make too much of noise."

Erwin smiled a bright smile that blinded Levi and made him re-think, whether he made the right choice of letting Erwin stay or not.

"Well you can stay seated there, don't blame me if some of my playing deafens you." Levi finished.

Erwin laughed lightly "I know it won't." He replied and kept the smile on his face.
Levi didn't know how, but Erwin's presence seemed to have brightened the dull room.

Guess letting him stay wasn't a bad idea afterall.

The Devil's TrillTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon