:: prologue :: alll the stars

53 4 48

{ A/N: just wanted to remind that all my chapters will be long and it has a lot of theories and words from other languages, so read slowly,
if you dont have the patience to read every line, the book will not make sense}

song playing:
tonight is the night i die
by palaye royale

such a terrible place
this world has been such a terrible place,

and today just another day

the ball of fire is setting down leisurely between the hills - the nisé alsham

the humans call it the "sun"

but little do they know that it's the fake sun

what humans see is merely a reflection of the true sun and its comical how they worship it.

the true sun is as red as blood,
and invisible before the eyes of humans.

their eyes cannot handle the power and the radiation carried by tsurū alsham (true sun).

so for the superior beings, the alsham rises from the west , and as the saying goes,
the soul of the tsurū alsham should and will only guide the powerful.

it was 6:09pm, the bookshop lady pulled down the window shutters and she suspiciously eyed the stranger at the end of the road.

'there is something so off about him,'
she thought to herself,

and reminded herself to ask her daughter to come home straight after school, and to never go near the dark alleys.

he smiled to himself on hearing her thoughts.

didn't he love the fear he effortlessly evoked?

but his grin sank into a frown as he was pulled back to reality,

there were much more important things to worry about right now.

his jet black hair was clumsily hanging out of the collars of his silk leopard printed shirt,
hiding the huge jaguar tattooed across his back.

he put his hands in the deep pockets of his long coat, and walked into the dark alleys.

in between the corners, one could spot high teenagers and hitmen leaders in a group of two setting deals.

these roads were paved with the smell of weed and dried blood.

he slowly crossed them all and went to the extreme end of the road where it opened into the forest,

there was a "caution: wild animals roam unsupervised," board near the lamp post,

it was sprayed with paint and some obscene diagrams were drawn over it.

'teenagers ugh', the stranger sighed to himself.

walking further into the forest, he noticed
the alsham setting lower and darkness erupting slowly.

soon a broken down hut which looked way out of habitation, came into view.

his grey eyes looked around carefully as he entered the hut,

inside was nothingness,
it was deprived of even the tiniest tints of light.

he continually kept walking straight into the darkness cause he knew where he was going, he had been here a million times.

𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝 :: 𝕖𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟Where stories live. Discover now