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the pool of words you should be drowning in
{in alphabetical order}

aisatsu - the term used for greeting the leaders, subleaders or formal way of greeting members in the coven

• alsham - the term used to define the true red sun that is an ultimate symbol of power

{nisé alsham - a sub division to define the fake sun or the sun that can only be seen by humans

tsurū alsham - a sub division to define the true sun or the one only visible to superior beings}

alcázar - the grand head quaters of the most powerful hiuma coven ( name of coven unrevealed) which is heavily guarded by black magic and other creatures

anima - the deme of ketsukés who feed only on animal ketsueki

chasseur/chasseuse - skillful and crafty killers or hunters

coven - the term used for each ketsuké group or team, may they be anima or hiuma, and they have their own personal history and uniqueness

deme - division of ketsukés by nature, based on the type of ketsueki they feed on

hiuma - the deme of ketsukés who feed only on human ketsueki

ketsuké - superior beings blessed with the power of immortality, undiminishing strength and many more unique strengths and who have the ability to eat certain foods growing directly from the soil
but NEED the  ketsukeki to continue to exist

ketsueki - also called the elixer of existence, it is not exactly just blood but its a mixture of blood and another fluid lining across it, which provides the nutritional component for survival for superior beings

marhaban - the term used to call upon your sābanto

phratry - the division of ketsukés or ketsuké covens based on geographical regions

sābanto - the creature or organism that is alloted to every ketsuké and it carries the duty of serving them along with its entire clan on everyday basis for all sorts of work

saburīda - sub leader

shigeki - its an illness that often affects ketsukés in the forms of allergy, dullness, tiredness and in other ways,
if they are deprived of good quality ketsueki.
the healing takes a lot of time and would involve the superior being to travel to a different phratry for a change of ketsueki

shukran - the term used to say thanks,
used only by hiuma

shukran lakum - the term used to say thank you, used only by anima

sukiru - special and unique skill set acquired by every superior being

• the véhol - the infamous coiled choker having the body of a snake and the head of a jaguar.
it is one of a kind since it has inscriptions of curses unknown written all over it and containa the omnipotent minerals of the universe, especially the rhodon,
{which is THE ONLY SUBSTANCE that can destroy superior beings.}

zaiem - the leader


{A/N: i will keep adding more here as i write more}

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