:: prologue :: are

25 4 31

song playing:
by MISSIO ft.zeale

he took a deep breath as he placed his palms on the midpoint of the hulking bronze door.

there was a humongous "H" shaped glass doorknob on the middle of the door,

it held a mélange of ketsueki and statues of snakes made out of human bones.

reacting to his touch, the doors to the most important chamber of the alcázar swung open efficaciously.

he took a step forward and strolled straight and his jaw tightened as he heard the doors close,

something about doors and gates closing in a place he didn't want to be in,
made lee nervous.

he looked inside and took in the view of the magnificent chamber of their leader whom they referred to as the zaeim,

this is where most of the murders and meetings happened.

this is where secrets of the past and future lay amidst the dull lights and hidden demons.

there was a long thin pool filled with black water in the centre of the room which, extended to almost a hundred metres.

this pool was a replica of the styx, which was the river that formed the boundary between gaia (earth) and the underworld.

the currents of these waters moved according to the mood of the room, most importantly the mood of the zaeim.

while right now the water lay placid and unmoved like the ground.

he wasn't sure if that was a good sign, cause he knew that an extremely calm leader was no good to lead a ruthless coven like theirs.

the dangers this pool carried cannot be underestimated,

just like the abyss hut, it has one way portals to the most cruel corners of the cosmos.

ethan was reminded of the times he and the others would torment the lowly humans and push them down the pool for fun,

but now he wondered if he would be pushed down anytime soon.

he stopped walking as the pool length came to an end

and a construction of giant ring of steps began.

a table made of unpolished ruby crystals stacked with papers and globes
and a velvet throne turned the other way was visible at the top of the stairs.

this time instead of the letter "H",
"Z" was embroidered at the back of the throne seat.

ethan got down on one knee with his hand on his chest and bowed gracefully and said,
"aisatsu zaeim," .

𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝 :: 𝕖𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟Where stories live. Discover now