let the games begin

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July 19, 2021

Kaiden (kay-den)

We just arrived in Tokyo after our Pre Olympics training camp in Nara. Even though I slept the entire time we were traveling, I'm still exhausted, so it's a good thing our coaches offered us a day off tomorrow. I'm ecstatic to be participating in the Olympics. I'm not sure if I'll start any games, but I'm happy to be a substitute when my team needs me. My seniors are incredible; they have supported me when I was first called up to the senior team. This Olympics, all I care about is gaining experience with my teammates.

"Hey Kai, let's go explore the village with the others!" my 'mom', Chloe Logarzo, said touching my shoulder to divert my focus away from stowing my belongings

"But I still have a lot of things to put away and besides I'm really tired. Do I really have to go with you guys?" I answered her while pouting and scrunching my eyebrows together.

"You're cute, almost gave in. But you know we're leaving the village after a few days because we're gonna transfer to another venue for the final group game right? Don't take everything out of your bags, you're the only one that's gonna have a hard time."

"Okay, I guess my signature pout did not work." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I straightened my face and nodded, indicating that I would be joining them.

Chloe tugged me towards the lift entrance with her right arm across my shoulders. We went downstairs and waited outside our apartment for our other teammates so that we could explore the village together.

"Hey bitches!" Sam Kerr yelled at us while obnoxiously flailing both of her hands. Steph Catley tried to put Sam's hand down because a number of people were looking at her; while Emily Van Egmond slapped her mouth. Soon after, Ellie Carpenter and Caitlin Foord trailed behind the three of them.

"Where are the others?" Chloe asked the five of them after observing that no one was following them anymore.

"They said they'll follow behind." Ellie, who was engrossed in her phone, answered. I went up to Ellie to see what she was up to because the other four women continued bickering as we were walking.

"What're you doing?" I asked Ellie, leaning in close enough to see her phone screen.

"On Bumble trying to look for hot Olympic athletes." Ellie replied in hushed tones, fearful that the older women would hear her. I just chuckled and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"Don't curse in front of the kids!" Ellie and I heard Emily say behind us scolding Sam.

"You guys know we're not kids anymore right? I'm like 19 and Ellie's 21." I said.

"But you're still our baby!" Steph stated, and I just rolled my eyes as she said it. I'm not sure if I enjoy it or not that they continue to treat me like a child. It can work in my favor sometimes because they do what I want, but when I want to do 'adult things,' they always become protective for some reason.

"Yeah, right. Please, let's go eat first; I'm starving. I think the last meal I ate was breakfast." I remarked, dragging Ellie after me as I hurriedly proceeded towards the dining hall, oblivious to the group of athletes from various countries who were walking around us.

"Do you know how to get to the dining hall?" Ellie inquired from beside me, her right hand now held in my left.

I looked back at her while still walking and said, "I'm sure it's this- ow!" I crashed on someone's back and came to a halt; Ellie almost collided with me since I was dragging her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologized to the girl.

"It's alright. I also wasn't aware of my surroundings." she replied with a smile. She caught sight of my hands intertwined with Ellie's, which I noticed. She looked up and smiled at Ellie and Ellie returned one back.

"Uhm, do you possibly know the way to the dining hall?" I awkwardly asked her since I think she was also on her way there.

"Yeah! I'm on my way there. Do you want to walk with me?" she asked me and Ellie. I turned around to check whether Chloe and the others were following us, but I was dismayed to see that they weren't. I returned my gaze to Ellie, who was watching the person I had collided with. I tugged on her hand to see whether she agreed to go with the stranger. Ellie gave me a little nod and let go of my hand.

"Sure! I can't see our teammates behind us and we don't want to get lost. We should just meet them there." I replied, gazing down at her a little because I was a few inches taller. We began going in the direction of the dining hall, with her leading the way. Ellie was standing right alongside me, observing the woman in front of us.

"What sport do you guys play?" she inquired, her gaze returning to us as she listened to my response.

"Footy for Team Australia." I said, peering into her light brown eyes.

Before responding, she returned her gaze ahead of her. "Oh! So you're on the same team as Sam Kerr?" I was taken aback when I heard that, but not for long because I knew our skipper is a well-known football player all over the world. Nonetheless, I asked how she knew Sammy.

"Yeah, how'd you know her?" She looked me in the eyes once more before responding,

"My cousin's also a football player. I know Sam since I've watched a couple of games." I nodded and didn't press the issue any further because I realized we were getting close to the hall.

"This is it," she said as we approached the doors. "Are you guys waiting for your teammates to arrive before you come inside? I think mine are already here." She questioned and informed me at the same time.

"We should, but I still don't know your name or what event you're participating in. I'd like to support you." I told her with a smile.

She smiled brightly at me. "My name is Raegan, I swim for Team USA." she said, shaking my hand.

"Oh, Team USA!" I exclaim. "I'm Kaiden, and this is Ellie." Ellie extended her hand to Raegan to shake.

"It's great to meet you, Raegan, and thank you for accompanying us to the hall. You'll undoubtedly have a tough time against Team Australia, but I'll be rooting for you."

"That's cute," she remarked with a playful smirk. "We'll see about that." Before entering the hall she looked back at Ellie and me and said, "It was also nice to meet you guys too!"

"Ells, why were you like gawking at Raegan?" I looked back at Ellie and questioned her after Raegan went into the dining hall.

"Girl I was not gawking at her," she answered with an eye roll. "She looks familiar. I can't tell where I saw her before though." Ellie's phone rang after she told me why she was looking at Raegan.

"Hey, Cait." I heard Ellie say, letting me know that it was Caitlin who was calling her.

"Yeah, just in front of the right-side entrance." I was trying to look for them while Ellie was talking to Caitlin. As I spotted Emily's short ponytail I raised my hands so they could see us. Chloe spotted us first and ran towards me.

"Why didn't you two wait for us? What would happen if you both got lost? " Chloe questioned us right away.

"It's fine, Chlo, and we met someone on the way here. She helped us in getting here without getting lost." I tried to hide my smile but failed miserably because Chloe saw and teasingly smiled at me. I looked at her sternly and signaled her to keep her mouth shut.

"Just for now, Chlo?" I pleaded with her. She gave me a nod of her head. I adore Chloe for this reason. She simply understands what I'm thinking and feeling, and she always respects my decisions. She's a little protective of me, but I don't mind. We went inside together after we had all gathered at the entrance to eat.


a/n: hello! it's my first story here and this has honestly been sitting in my drafts for a year. i'm back in my swimming phase so it has sparked some inspiration hopefully someone will like this. let me know what you guys think :)

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