got a little crush on you

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After my phone call with Kelley, I went back inside the dining hall to the teasing smiles of my teammates. I knew Emma spilled the rest of the details I told her about meeting Kaiden. I sat back down in my seat and finished my food, ignoring all the teasing looks thrown my way. After a while I just sat in my seating listening to all the chatter of everyone around me until I felt someone touch my shoulder.

I looked up at Alex Walsh as she asked me, "Wanna go back to the apartment?"

"Yeah sure, I feel a little bit sleepy after all that food." I replied. I tapped on Emma's hand to get her attention and told her that Alex and I will go back to the apartment.

"Okay. Keep her safe for me Alex? Make sure she doesn't hit any more Australians on the way." I rolled my eyes at her antics while Alex let out a little laugh. I stood up and smacked both of their heads gently, a sign that I was not in the mood for more teasing.

Alex and I left the dining hall and strolled back to the apartment in comfortable silence. The air was cool, carrying the buzz of excitement that hung over the Olympic Village. As we reached our doorstep, Alex turned to me with a knowing grin.

"Spill the deets, Rae. What's going on with you and Kaiden?" she asked, nudging me playfully.

I chuckled, realizing I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. "Nothing really. We just bumped into each other and she asked what sport I played. You know, just casual talk between two athletes who just met each other."

Alex raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Uh-huh, if you say so. Keep me posted, though. I want all the juicy details."

Rolling my eyes, I opened the door to the apartment, and we both stepped inside. The cozy ambiance welcomed us, but my mind was still buzzing with the unexpected rendezvous with Kaiden. As we walked through the living room, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Curiosity piqued, I pulled it out to find a message on Instagram from none other than Kaiden. My heart skipped a beat as I read her playful message.

Kaiden Moore

i see someone knew me already :))

A warmth spread through me, and I couldn't help but smile. Alex shot me a questioning look, but I shrugged it off, trying to conceal the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I said good night to Alex knowing she hadn't slept a wink yet since we got here and went inside my room. I thought about my reply to Kaiden for a while knowing I've been caught lying.

Raegan Guevara

Haha, guilty as charged. You've got quite a fan club, you know.

Kaiden Moore

fan club? nah, just a bunch of people who enjoy soccer.

so how's your olympic experience going so far?

Raegan Guevara

It's been amazing! The energy here is incredible, and I'm excited to compete.

How about you?

Kaiden Moore

same here! the atmosphere is electric even though it's my first time at the Olympics

i'm loving every moment of it.

i hear your race is coming up soon?

Raegan Guevara

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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