Chapter 2 Field Of Fire

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Chapter 2: The Field of Fire

            Master Ziall stared blankly at the hundreds of screens shown all over the walls in the huge room he was sitting in. They showed the most important dreams in the dream realm at the time detecting Forces, Fragments, and most importantly… Lucids.

                He swiveled his chair to face his idiotic but most loyal follower. He was short with wobbly knees. He wasn’t useful for anything but a servant.

       “G-g-good evening, M-m-master Ziall,” he stuttered nervously. One mistake and he knew he would join the fades.

                “If you’re here to ‘deliver the news’ I can assure you, Canner,  I know Avery has developed her Lucid Power completely and has entered the dream realm. You still haven’t grasped the concept of this place I see. I had hoped to get rid of her before the shut down, but she developed early, too early. She’s… dangerous,” Ziall replied his cold completely purple eyes meeting Canner’s blue ones.

                “B-b-but Sir, why didn’t you dispose of her while she was young? Before developing wasn’t a possibility?” Canner replied.

                Ziall sighed, “Alright, IDIOT, I’ll have to explain some things…”

                Canner never understood the dream realm and how it worked, he was a lucid, forced into Ziall’s “army” until Ziall chose him to be his servant, and nothing was ever explained to him.

                Ziall continued, “Where do I even start?” He heard a sudden DING! coming from one of the screens. It showed Avery, she had landed in her next dream, “Explanations later you have to go NOW!”

                Canner ran out of the room, still deeply confused.

                Ziall watched the screen closely… this is where the fun begins…


                I stood in a huge field, my read hair whipped around in the strong breeze. There was tall grass, and little purple flowers everywhere. That was it, no trees for as far as my vision went. It was simple and beautiful. I felt so out of place. It was a strange feeling though, very pure and empty. The wind was basically the only thing I could feel. I was startled when my peaceful state was interrupted. The feeling was no longer empty, I could feel heat now. And by heat, I mean fire. I looked up, my vision was clouded with smoke. The whole place was engulfed in flames!  I screamed as loud as I could. This is it, I thought. I’ll never know what has been happening because I’m going to die right now.

                “ Hello? I can’t be alone! Someone must hear me!!!” I cried out

                The not knowing part was killing me as much as the fire. I was shaking, coughing, and could barely breathe. I wasn’t crying, I’m pretty strong, I wasn’t going to die like that. Knowing it was useless to try to escape, I just sat down helpless, waiting to be engulfed by the flames. Somehow, the flames never reached me, the fire seemed to be everything where but on me. I felt pressure on my wrist and then I was yanked backed.

                Wasn’t I just surrounded? How come I didn’t fall into fire to my death? I didn’t feel the burning heat anymore, the fire was gone. I was still in the field, sitting down. I then realized there were arms wrapped gently around my waist. Startled, I looked up.

                Oh. My. God. I looked up to see a guy looking down at me, but not just any random stranger. He was my age. He had dirty blonde hair, and hypnotizing green eyes. Seriously, how does he keep his hair so perfect? The breeze wasn’t that strong but I’m pretty sure my hair was getting messed up a bit. I couldn’t even describe his eyes, it was like his life story was hidden behind them. Just looking at them put me in the trance. I almost gasped, he had a violet tint in his eyes just like me! Basically he was my dream guy. Strong, INSANELY hot if that wasn’t clear, and I could just tell we would get along well.

                 That’s as far as I was willing to think about. I was NOT about to go into the “love at first sight” concept, or imagine use riding off in the sunset together. Ew, I’m not like those other girls. I can be girly, I can be sweet, but I’m just not THAT. I made my mind shut up, I was even confusing myself.

                “You ok?” He asked, letting go of me. Good, now things were less awkward. He skipped  the mushy stuff like, “ Oh my god, are you hurt? Just relax everything will be ok.” I hate that stuff, it makes me feel weak. I could tell we both weren't weak. I hoped he stayed, I could imagine us fighting to get out of wherever we were, together. This can’t be reality, I thought. It didn’t feel real. With HIM, so close to me, it was too good to be true.

                “Yep!” I replied hopping to my feet, I wasn’t injured, I was ready. He started to fade. No! I thought.

                “ I’ll see you soon… really soon,”  he said. Then he was gone. There was something mysterious about him, like he was hiding something from me.

                “Wait! Come back!  Don’t you think you have some explaining to do??” He didn’t come back. I sighed and sank to ground, trying to clear my head. It didn’t work.

                And I was back to falling into nothingness.  Not again, I thought. It was torture absolute torture! An incredibly intelligent, clever, know it all like myself are not fit to survive where they know nothing.  Not to sound full of myself, but I really must know everything, what’s wrong with that? I rather be stabbed with a thousand knifes than be here, I thought.

                What is “here”? And it was at that moment when I realized I wasn’t in my reality anymore.

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