Chapter 3 Forest Of Fog

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Chapter 3 Forest Of Fog

                In the weird classroom and the field of fire, I was more occupied with surviving then figuring out where I am. Yet, I was still surprised it took me so long to come to the conclusion that this isn’t REAL, this isn’t REALITY. That only made things more confusing. I needed answers. My head was like a bomb ready to explode. I made a mental list of options

                1. I was dead, which was confusing and scary.

                2. I was somewhere in between dead and alive, also not helping.

                This really screwed up my head, I thought. During my mental list making process, I hadn’t even noticed that I had landed. Everything was black.

                Why don’t you try opening you eyes? Think Avery THINK! I thought. Oh yeah, my eyes were closed. Oh dear god, I was going insane. When I did open my eyes, I guess I expected blinding light to pierce my vision, but the sky was dark, and I was lying down in the middle of a dark forest. Another thing I hadn’t realized earlier, is that I fell down into nothingness to a complete different location, and I didn’t feel any pain.

                I swear the forest could have come out of a horror movie or something. It was eerily silent. Tall leafless trees towered over me. A canopy blocked most of the sky. I was also being swallowed by creepy fog all around me, and it was getting thicker. Pretty soon the mist would take over my vision.

                I heard footsteps on the soft, dry ground breaking the silence. I could just make out a familiar figure…

                “May!” I called out recognizing my bad-ass best friend. I would know that rocker-like perfectly straight dirty-blonde hair with the bright purple streak ANYWHERE. She was the only one I knew with the same purple tint in her eyes (except that hot guy,) but hers' are brighter and more obvious. They went well the hazel, more than the purple did with my dark chestnut eyes. If anyone could get you out of a life or death situation it was Maysilee (call her May or expect a hard drop kick sending you to your knees.)  I touched her shoulder. She felt real, like the guy I met in the fire.

                She was tough, smart, and will definitely put up a fight. She was wearing a off the shoulder with ROCK on it, and short shorts. It was all topped off with black high tops, her signature style. But they were more important matters at hand. What was she doing here? What did she know?

                “Hey, Avery,” she said in a mellow tone so unlike her. She didn’t even seem surprised to see me!

                “What’s wrong? What are you doing here? What’s happening,” I asked quickly. I could barely see my bright fiery red hair anymore.

                “My Mom’s dead. Everyone in the world is here. And it’s complicated,” she said matter-of-factly, “Let me explain.” Shocked, I knelt down and listened.

                Slowly, she explained everything. It was A LOT to take in. My head was going insane. She started by saying we were in the “dream realm.” That took a while to sink in. The dream realm? What were we doing in the dream realm? She explained it as where I mind goes when we we’re asleep. Did that mean we were asleep? I already had a headache.

                There were 5 kinds of people in the dream realm currently, Blank-minds, Lucids, Violet  Lucids, Forces, and Fragments. Blank-minds are another term for normal people who have dreams they can’t control and don’t always remember. Lucids are aware during dreams, though they rarely remember. Violet Lucids, named for the PURPLE TINT in their eyes, not only were aware in their dreams, they could completely control them, and as I was soon to discover, so much more.

                “I don’t understand! How do you know all this,” I asked absolutely shocked.

                “Just listen,” she replied kneeling down and examining the fog,” We don’t have much time in this dream.”

                Violet Lucids maintained balance between the dream realm and reality. There were 5 a generation. Once the next generation’s power develops the previous generation are not longer Violet Lucids. They may be Lucids, or maybe just blank-minds. Sometimes you can’t tell the difference.

                “Our Moms were two of those 5. There was one man, his name was Ziall,” May said. Master Ziall! I thought.

                Ziall discovered the wide range of their powers before anyone else. He managed to banish the other 4, including our moms, from the dream realm, their lucid powers at least. They never got a chance to understand why. In reality, Ziall made it clear of his plan. He had managed to master control of the mind in general.

                “His plan was to transport everyone into the dream realm, and rule them all. He wants us, he’s beginning to lose his lucid powers. He has a son, he’s the next generation. He thinks he can take our powers. He wanted to make sure we had no warning. If anyone told their kid, they would be killed. My Mom was the one to sacrifice herself,” May said now in tears.

                “I am so sorry!” I exclaimed tearing up. There was silence for a few minutes.

                “Won’t we die? Starve? Trapped in a dream realm,” I whispered after awhile.

                “I don’t know… Who knows what he’s planning.”

                “Where are the other 3?” I questioned. I winced. I was being insensitive. I wish I could have comforted her more about her Mom, but this was life or death.

                “Ziall probably has them locked up.”

                “How did you find me? We need to warn the other 3 Violets!” I said urgently.

                “Our minds will find them. They’ll connect to anything real, I don’t know exactly how it works. My mind led the way.”

                “This i-i-i-is… I j-j-ust don’t know what to think.” I stuttered.

                “ I’m not done yet. I still have to explain Forces and Fragments.”

                Forces can resist Violet Lucid mind control. Ziall keeps the blank minds in one huge center dream, we are on the outskirts. Forces manage to drift away from the center to. His army of Lucids are sent to kill them all. He can control what dream everyone is in, except for Forces and Violet Lucids.

                “Not that Forces can do much,” May concluded.

                Fragments are lost Lucids. Every dream has a goal. If you fail, you’ll fade in the dream and never wake again. Fragments are also “characters” in the dream that your mind makes up. They feel distant and empty. Unlike my savior, I thought, he must be a Violet Lucid!

                “Wait, you can kill in the dream realm?” I stopped May’s explanation.

                “Yes, he has mind control, I guess he can shut them down. He also granted his army that ability,” Ma responded. The fog was getting even thicker. I couldn’t see anymore.

                “We need to get out of here!” I said panicky.

                “I guess getting rid of the fog is this dreams challenge,” May suggested.

                Ok, you got this. You’re a Violet, I told myself. I concentrated I felt the fog creep even farther into my mind. I pictured the fog moving farther and farther away. Slowly the fog started evaporated. I was speechless… what did I just do? WHAT DID I JUST TO? I felt powerful, strong, it was the best thing ever.  Like a flame had just ignited inside me.

                “Whoah,” May gasped. She smiled and spun around. The fog was nowhere in sight “ It’s time to take that jerk down!” She sounded more like herself then.

                “Let’s go ladies,” my rescuer emerged from behind a tree.

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