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  "I'm bored." Leo complained. "I know but we just gotta work and stuff." Pisces said, "anyway, it's not like we have a choice."

Heaven was boring for Leo and many others. All they did was wake up, pray, go to church, pray, judge people who died, pray, and then eat, and the day was over. Pretty boring, huh? (But I've never been to heaven before, so I don't know.)

  If they didn't do all that, they'd be punished, and trust me, their punishments are harsh! Leo sighed and walked over to the barriers, looking down at Hell.

  He always has wondered what it was like living there and how bad you'd have to be to live there. He always stopped himself from staying there too long in fear of getting caught, but today he just wanted to stay there.

"Leo?" Cancer called out. "Oh! Um hey Cancer." Leo said awkwardly. Cancer really scared Leo, but he wouldn't admit it. "What are you doing here? Staying at the barrier is dangerous, you could fall off and land into... That place." Cancer whisper-yelled.

You're not allowed to say any curse words, including hell in heaven. If you say any of those words they'll cut off one wing.

"It's fine, Cancer." Leo said softly, still looking down at hell. "Leo you really shouldn't be there though!" Cancer begged him to leave. "Cancer I'm just looking!" He fought. "Please, Leo! Come to your senses! It's not safe and we'll get in trouble if we're caught here!"

  "Fuck off man!" Leo yelled, making Cancer gasp. "L-Leo!" Cancer stuttered, making Leo realize what he had said. His eyes went wide and he had small tears forming because he didn't want his wings getting cut off.

  "I'm sorry Leo... but I have to r-report you. Goodbye." Cancer said, crying a bit. It is illegal to not report something illegal and Cancer was no criminal! Cancer hated having to tell on his friend, but he had no choice.

  Leo sat there for a second, trying to figure out what had just happened. He sat there for a while until he heard a noise, it was the queen of Heaven, Aries. She was coming closer to him with a burner, to burn his wing off. There were many guards following her, ready to strike Leo.

  "Leo, come here. I just want to talk.." Aries said evilly. Leo dashed out of the area, going around the angelic buildings and passing many other angels who were confused as to why they were running.

  He started to fly up when he saw Heaven Castle and flew up to the tippy top where some guards were unbeknownst to him. (Haha i used a fancy word.)

  "Guards, get him!" Aries yelled, making all the guards run after him with their own burners. Leo screamed a girly scream, even though he was a guy.

  Guards came from the other side, and Leo was too fast to stop himself, so he crashed into the guards and a burner hit the top of his wing, making a loud scream come from his mouth. It was so loud, demons in hell could probably hear him.

  There was a dent thing in his left wing with some char on it. He kept running and running until he crashed into another guard, and took him and the guard off the railing of the castle as they fell down into hell.

                         ꧁𝙸𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕꧂
(Scorpio pov)
  I was figuring out how to get the ingredients when I heard a girl screaming. I hopped outside and looked around. Nothing, huh. I looked up and saw two birds falling down.

  Birds? There's no birds in heaven. I look closer and see.. Angels?! Why are angels here? Why aren't they flying away? What's going on?!

  I run over to where they were falling and hold my arms out, ready to catch them. I don't care about angels, that's bad. I just need their tears... Yeah, that's it. They're falling very, very fast. No angels can ever survive that, they have much weaker bones than demons and devils.

  They're getting closer and closer, I keep changing my position so I can catch them because they keep tumbling. Eventually the screaming stops. I guess the one screaming passed out from fear, haha, how weak!

  They fall close enough where I can see their faces, one girl with purple eyes trying to wake up the other Angel, who looks like a guy. What's wrong with his wing? It looks like a dog was really hungry and it's mouth was made of fire.

  I get so lost in thought they get so close I forget to catch them and they land on me.

Heaven or Hell ~ ZodiacsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora