LIFE AS A ROOKIE- Part 1: Team 7

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(WARNING: This chapter is inspired by and contains some words from Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto: Episode 3)

This will now be written in Kashwini's POV.

Looks like I graduated. I am finally able to become a shinobi. Well, to be specific, a genin. Sasuke sat beside me as usual. Even that Uzumaki kid joined. I'm surprised that he graduated. He truly must have done something skillful to pass the test. But, I wonder what it could've been. Nevermind, that focus on myself— Oh just great, it's those two again. Poor Sasuke has been dealing with this crap all the time. Welp, can't help it, I'll just ignore it.

"Back off forehead, I'm sitting next to Sasuke!" demanded Ino.

"I was here first!" complained Sakura.

"I walked into the classroom before you did! Everybody saw it!"

"Dream on!"

"Actually I got here first!" yelled one.

"So did I! I'm sitting next to Sasuke!" And it went on, and on and on. God it's just a boy, cut some slack would ya? I'm just going to sleep for a bit until Iruka Sensei comes.

What was that sound? Sounded like a thump. Why the hell is that girl yelling so loud? Huh, funny, I feel some heat going on, but the weather is quite alright today. Wait, why'd it go silent— I opened my eyes. SMOOCH. I gagged. How the hell did those two end up kissing? Naruto and Sasuke, really? Aren't they the ones who have some sort of 'rivalry' tension. What the hell is going on? Those idiots—pffffft.

Iruka Sensei is here, perfect.

"As of today you are all ninjas. To get here you faced difficult trials and hardships, but that's nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you are only genin," We get it Iruka Sensei, cut to the chase. "...first level genin. All the genin will be grouped into three man squads. Each squad will be led by a jonin, an elite ninja." Three rookies and an elite jonin, huh? Besides the jonin, which two of these goofballs will I be with? "I will now announce the squads...Squad Seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Kashwini and Sasuke Uchiha."

"Wait, Sensei with all due respect, didn't you say it will be a three man squad?" I asked.

"Yes, however, we had an odd number in our class so we decided that it would be best to make a four man team."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. But Iruka Sensei, why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same group with a slug like Sasuke?!" Naruto raged.

"Hmmm...Sasuke had one of the top two best scores of all the graduating students. Naruto, you had the worst scores." Everyone was laughing. Ouch, that must've hurt Naruto a bit. But, Sensei's not wrong. "To create a balanced group. We had to put the best student, with the worst student."

"Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser," said Sasuke. Not going to lie, sometimes I just really want to give you a nice punch for saying annoying things like that. But, whatever. Can't help it.

"What did you say?!" Naruto groaned, his fists clenched.

"Knock it off, Naruto! Sit down!" shouted Sakura.

"Do I really have to deal with this?"

"Ahem! After lunch, you'll meet your new jonin teacher," Iruka Sensei told us. "Until then, class dismissed."

Looks like I'm done with lunch now. I think I'm going to head back to class. Huh...what's that familiar chakra? Sasuke is all tied up.

"Sasuke? How the hell did you end up this way?" Sasuke turned his head back a bit.

"Oh it's you. I hate to admit it, but that loser Naruto did it and I let my guard down."

"Naruto, huh? My, my, what a shame." I laughed. He looks rather embarrassed.

"I just didn't think he knew how to do the shadow clone jutsu alright. Just get me out already." Shadow clone jutsu, huh? Interesting.

"Alright, alright, let me grab my kunai." I cut the rope. "It's quite a shame that the 'cool' guy couldn't get out of the situation. Hilarious if you ask me."

"Yeah, yeah, let's just go back to class already."Head back to class, right. So, Naruto knows how to make shadow clones. He couldn't even make a single clone during class. Odd. I wonder how—Sakura?

"Sasuke, your back! Don't be so shy, you bad boy!" Sakura squealed. Um? "Are you ready now? You know, mentally prepared? Because I am. I'm ready to go!" Ready for what? Meeting our jonin leader? No, she sounds delusional. Did she hit her head? Eh, whatever.

"Where's Naruto?" asked Sasuke.

"Oh ya, where is that guy?" I realized that I haven't seen him since class time yet.

"Oh see, there you go, changing the subject again." What the hell is Sakura saying? "Anyways Naruto just picks fights with you. Y'know why he's so annoying? 'Cause he wasn't raised right. He hasn't had a mother or father. No one to teach him right or wrong. Kind of like you, Kashwini, when you were a kid." Why did that statement kind of hurt? "Think about it. He just does whatever comes into his head." Tch. She really is stupid, huh? Dang, Sasuke seems pissed off. I don't blame him. "If I did things like Naruto, forget it, I mean my parents would get mad and I would get in trouble. So, of course I don't do it. Again, Kashwini, you wouldn't even understand. But, if you don't have parents to tell you, how would you know? He's selfish and bratty. He's all alone." Damn it, you—

"Alone. Isolated" Sasuke muttered.

"Huh?" Sakura stated, totally confused.

"It's not about your parents scolding. You have no idea what it means to be alone." I mean, he's not wrong. Should I turn around and speak? No.

"W-why are you saying that?"

"Because, you're annoying." Agreed. I won't say it up to her face yet though. I'm going to leave, and help Sasuke find Naruto, I guess. Oh, there he is! I can sense his chakra!

"Naruto's that way I pointed." Why's he running out of the boy's washroom? Huh.

"Ahhhh!" Naruto stops running. "Sasuke, what are you doing here? How did you get loose?"

"I used the escape jutsu. No sweat. It's a very basic technique." What a bluff. I literally had to cut you out of that—Now that I think of it, why didn't you use that technique? "Why'd you do that? Transform into me." Oh, so that's what happened.

"I thought it'd be fun to try out my moves on you, so I did. You get to enjoy the show, Kashwini!"

"Leave me out of this—" The kid literally has a bunch of clones. Give him some credit, I guess.

"Ahh. The same technique again?" Can't tell if he's disappointed or ready to fight him willingly.

"This time you get to see what I can really do! You're going down for the count! Then you'll have to admit that I'm the best! Get ready Sasuke!" I want to watch this fight go down—Why are they all stopping?

"It's back again! It's back again–" His clones all have his personality that it's so hard to tell what they're saying. Well this is entertaining. They're even fighting over a stall.

"What a loser." Sasuke says.

So we got the knucklehead, the calm but likes to pick fights with the Naruto kid and a crazy girl that's obsessed with Sasuke. Then, we have me. My, my, this will be quite interesting..

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