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This part was inspired by the song Stitches by Shawn Mendes.

(Riptides pov)


"Sorry, but it's not my fault you attacked me."

"This is an interesting first date huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so squid-brain" What happened was when Tsunami was meeting Riptide to go on their first date but when Riptide saw Tsunami he thought, I know a way to scare her,  and like the idiot he was (no offense to all the Riptide lovers out there) he tried to scare her. And in response she kicked him into a tree.

"You know I love you squid-brain but you can be a real idiot sometimes"

"I know, hey maybe I should of suprise kissed you instead."

"NO! We are in a relationship but no kissing."

"So no doing... THIS" He said right before kissing Tsunami. She's not pulling away! SHE LIKES THIS!  He pulled away even though he didn't want to.

"So, I see you liked that!" He said with a smug grin.

"Maybe, so what." she said right before hitting him with her tail.

"Love you Tsunami"

"Love you to, I've go to go back to Jade Mountain."

"Before you go..." He said before kissing her again. They kissed for a while before Tsunami pulled away. 

"I actually got to go see you."

"See you later my love." As she left Riptide saw her roll her eyes. There she goes. At least I got a kiss!

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