Chapter 7: "Princess on the Parade" and Ashlynn escapes!

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Words count: 2842


Later that day, Flora's castle, ballroom. "Mother have you s—" Leonardo asked as he walked into the ballroom where his mother and the servants are in. "Oh, Leonardo!" Flora said. He walked up to his mother. "What are these?" Leonardo asked. "Roses." Flora said. "They're red." Leonardo said as he took them out of the vase. "Of course, they're red." She said. "But mom, I don't want red roses. I want white. Like a swan. Have you seen Jonathan?" He said. "No." She said. "Has anyone seen Jonathan?" He asked. One of the servants came up to Leonardo. 

"Would you feed this to a swan?" He asked. "I..." The servant said. "Take it back. Get something light, something fresh." He said as he gave the tray back to the servant who caught the tray. He looks at it and then tosses it away. James was conducting the band members. "No, no, no, no, no, James, hold it." He said. James stops the music. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

"Tonight the music must be played rubato, soft and graceful, like a swan." Leonardo said as he pretends to dance. "A swan?" James asked. "Have you ever seen a swan, James?" He said as he used his hand gestures to make a swan to have it tugged at James' sleeve. "Of course, I've seen a swan." James said as he push Leonardo's hand away. "If you could play a swan, what would it sound like?" Leonardo asked. James pointed towards Krystal as she played a honking noise on her flute as he laughs. 

Leonardo scoffs at him as he shook his head. "Soft and graceful, James. Where is Jonathan?" He said. "No one has seen him, Leonardo." Flora said. "You're kidding! Who's gonna be my best man?" He said. "Best...?" Flora asked. Leonardo winked at her. "You mean? You...oh! Leonardo! Oh!" She said. James finally played the soft and graceful music like a swan. 

"There you go, James, that's the stuff. Come on, mother." Leonardo said. He danced with his mother as her hairstylist was trying to fix her hair. Flora laughs as he dip her and her hair end up in the punch that the servants made. "Don't be so secretive, Leonardo, tell me who she is." She said. She squeals as he brought up to her feet. Leonardo laughs as he tossed the roses in the air. 

Later that watery dungeon, Swan Lake castle.

The roses fell into the watery dungeon where Ashlynn is in, not as a human but as a swan. "It hurts me to lock you up, Ashlynn. Hurts me deep. But then, a king's day is full of tough decisions. You understand. Oh, now you're mad at me again. Doggone it, I can't do nothing right! Head full of pudding. That's me. Well, I can't leave you like this." Oroku said. Ashlynn as a swan ripped the roses apart. She turn her back at him. "If you're not happy, I'm not happy. Hmm...I know! If you can't attend the ball, then I'll bring the ball to you! Let's see... the first thing you need is a young man. The prince is busy, of course, but I think I can arrange a substitute." He said. "No, please, I beg you, please!" Jonathan said as he refuses to go in the watery dungeon. Raven kept pushing him to go in there but he still refused. "Oh, poor fellow, he got lost in the woods." Oroku said. 

Raven finally shoved him into there as he fell into the water. Ashlynn dove under to save him and brought him to the chains. "Aah! No, help! Help! Don't go!" He said as he held onto the ring. "Oh, I'd love to stay but if I don't leave now I'll be late; that's tacky." Oroku said. Ashlynn gave him of 'don't hurt him' look. "D-don't give me that look, missy, had to be sneaky, didn't you? Had to drag your weakling prince into it, didn't you? That's fine with me, just fine with me!" He said. He then slam the door. She sighs as she turn around to have her back to the doors. She tuck her beak into her wing.

(Time skip to outside of the watery dungeon near Swan Lake, night) 

"Oh!" Puffin said. Skyla looks at Puffin who looks back at her. Dash and Jean-Michael looks at each other.

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