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(See end for note)

Belarus walked through the empty fields which once blossomed with growing flowers. She would run through this field with her older brother and sister. Breathing in the fresh pollen. And oftentimes their friends would join them. A boy with short brown hair, a girl with long pigtails, and a bow in her hair. Often times the two boys, a British boy, and a french boy, would often bicker. Her older brother would run off with the stupid American along with the Chinese boy, only to pull each other's hair. An albino with an Austrian and a Hungarian chased each other. The albino and the Hungarian girl usually need up tumbling to the ground as they tried to knock out the most teeth.

A German boy and an Italian boy sat together holding hands while a Spaniard held off another Italian boy from attacking the Greman boy. A group of kids that Belarus couldn't remember the names of schemed behind a bush on how they would sit at the big kid table. Children all about ran past her. A Canadian and Cuban were making flower crowns and giggling. Her big sister called for lunch out of the kitchen window. When their eyes met her sister offered her a warm smile. Belarus smiled back.

She closed her eyes for a second basking in the warmth of the sun and the voices of the other children. Then the voices were gone. Belarus opened her eyes, startled only to find dying grass all about her. That's right, she wasn't a child anymore, and neither were her friends. They were grown, she was grown and everything was gone. Suddenly Belarus heard a faint laugh from over the hill. 

She ran with all her might up the hill. Once up there she panted for breath but stopped in her tracks with what she saw. Children playing, running, fighting, crying, laughing, biting, spitting, slapping, kissing!

And Belarus fell to her knees. As she looked down upon the children and knew everything would be alright. For where they walked the flowers bloomed all season. And where they talked more children would listen. And more children would come. And more children would play. And they too would grow old one day.

But as long as Belarus knew that the flowers grew.

Then that would be alright.


Hey, sorry for anyone who read the Guide on How to Kill a King. The plot was just too much for me to catch up with and not updating a lot really made me depressed and not want to write more. So I decided that I would delete it. Not only that I've started to move into new fandoms. Although I will still update here I will be starting some new one-shots for other fandoms. 

Thank you for coming this far with me. Hetalia has been a part of my life for 3 years now. And although Im not leaving the fandom Im ready to move on. I will still be updating for this book but now I want to explore. Explored new fandoms that I have never seen before. I've been watching a lot of anime now and I think its helping me understand that I can be in more than one fandom. That I can move on, grow up, and say goodbye, finally, to my childhood. Hetalia will always have a special place in my heart but one day, I feel soon, it will be time for me to leave. 

I love you all for everything everyone has done for me and for shaping the person I am today. Hetalia really made up for the childhood that I was never allowed to have. I could go into my own little world of all these new people, these countries. And when I was online I could talk to people who loved the countries that I love so much. No matter where we came from, country, state, content, we all loved one thing. Hetalia. So thank you all and when my time to stop writing for this fandom comes I will tell all of you. And we will say goodbye and that will be the end for me in this fandom. And we will all have grown up a little bit. Because growing up is saying goodbye to the awesome memories. And moving on to the brand new bright and happy future. 

See you guys next time.


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