🥰☹️Among Us☹️🥰 pt.3

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Sorry, this is a super sucky ending but I really didn't want this to be in the back of my mind all the time so it's super rushed and super bad.


Elizabeth struggled mindlessly as she tried to kick off her attacker.

"Fuck you!" she seethed

But it was too late. The attacker had gotten her into a headlock. After a few seconds, she tapped on his shoulder.

"Had enough?" asked Ludwig

Elizabeth only wheezed a little in reply. Ludwig let go and got to his feet, offering his hand to Elizabeth too. She simply pushed it away and hoped up to her feet. (Ha you thought)


"You just need more practice," said Ludwig matter of factly

"Ok dad, I gotta pee, another round after?"

"Katyusha should be done with dinner by now,"

"Then tomorrow," said Elizabeth already heading off toward the lady's room

"Tomorrow," nodded Ludwig


Elizabeth washed her hands skillfully. (?) She looked up once she heard the door open.

"What are you doing here? this is a girls restroom,"



Elizabeth gasped as her face was slammed into the sink. A loud crunching sound could be heard with a cry of pain after it.

"HEEEEEEELP," screamed Elizabeth

"Shut up," the killer hissed

He shoved a cloth on her mouth and nose. Elizabeth knew that the cloth was poisonous just by getting a whiff of it. But that was enough.

Elizabeth started coughing hard. The cloth was removed but it didn't stop the hacking. Soon it wasn't just hacking but foamed spit pooling out of her mouth. 

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head causing her veins in them to pop. Elizabeth seized as the toxic traveled through her body. She screamed as the painful gas ate her nerve agents.


"Did you hear that?" asked Kiku

"Is that Elizabeth?" asked Katyusha

"Omg she's dying!" screamed Alfred as he jumped up from his seat

Everyone followed suit as they all ran to the girl lavatory.

"Oh my," said Ivan holding his scarf up to his nose

"Get out it's poisonous," said Ludwig as he pulled on Feliciano's arm


They waited till morning to go into the room and depose her body. Everyone sat in the cafeteria drinking coffee or tea.

"What should we do?" asked Francis

"I think it's obvious, aru," Yao said while hanging his head

"I'm going to be sick," said Alfred getting up from his seat and running to the toilet

They all knew what they had to do. They have to vote someone off the ship.


Alfred didn't even know what day it was or when they were supposed to sleep but he was guessing it was now because everyone else was.

"Fredka," whispered Ivan

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