Just a Little Game-Part 1

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Dustin had been gone most of the summer, which was weird for you to say the least. It was hard to fathom, with everything that you knew about Hawkins lab, about Eleven and about the Upside Down, leaving Hawkins seemed wrong. Going to college was still very important to you but it was on the back burner. It wasn't like you could afford it right now anyway so you decided to take a gap year and try and earn your way. Colombia could wait, the Upside Down, that couldn't.

Even though El had closed the gate, you just had a feeling that something else, something worse, was coming. Maybe it was from the demodog attack, maybe it was seeing Will possessed and almost die before your very eyes but the trauma lived with you. Always.

You decided to stay back at the house and help the party give your brother a little welcome home surprise. After all, he deserved it especially since what he was coming home to was about to be very different than what he was used to. Mike and El were dating and spending ample time together, Max and Lucas were some kind of thing, and well, Steve and I weren't talking. But Dustin definitely didn't know that yet. You didn't even know how to break it to him.


"This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over." Dustin spoke into his walkie-talkie the moment he got in signal range. It had been a long, successful and transformational month. He had so much to show and tell the party and he wanted to do it as soon as possible. That was if they even remembered he was coming back today.

"I repeat: This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over." He said again slightly annoyed.

He only got static back.

"I repeat—This is goddamn Gold Leader..." He yelled now frustrated and disappointed.

"Dusty!" His mother spoke harshly.

"What?" The boy asked unaware what the issue was.

"Relax for goodness sake."

"I'm in range. They should be answering." He was disappointed and a little confused.

"You've been away a whole month, honeybun. Maybe they just...forgot."

"Even my sister? MY SISTER! Forgot?"

Dustin couldn't fathom that. They were his best friends. And at the very least, his own sister would remember. She was too, Rilynne, to forget.

Upon his return home he found it vacant, almost like no one, not even his sister cared that he was coming home. So, as he entered his room he sighed and dropped his duffle bag on his bed in disappointment.

But just on the other side of the wall stood his friends his sister.

"Well at least someone's happy I'm home." He said quietly.

Suddenly, his robot began to move on its own accord, beeping and gliding towards him as his monkey began clashing its cymbals following the robot. All of his animatronic figurines and toys slowly began to flee from his room and gather in the living room stopping abruptly. Hair spray (courtesy of Steve Harrington) in hand as a weapon he followed his toys to the living room.

"It's just a dream.... You're dreaming."

Someone screamed, "now!"

"Welcome home!" You yelled from behind the party.

Poor Lucas didn't see it coming as Dustin sprayed him in the eyes, full on, with hair spray.

"Dustin!" You yelled concerned as you rushed over to Lucas.

"I got it." Max said as she took him to the kitchen to run his eyes under the sink.

"I was beginning to think you guys forgot about me." Dustin laughed but was glad that they hadn't.

"How could we?" You said with a smile.

"Ry wouldn't let us, she's been hanging out with us ever since you left." Mike said with slight annoyance but he couldn't be too mad. She was his first crush after all.

Dustin laughed and then took in what he had just said, "wait, all summer?"

Oh no, now wasn't the time.

"Lucas," you yelled, "let's try some milk, it'll help with the stinging." You started toward the kitchen to help him and to avoid talking to Dustin about what happened with Steve.

"Yeah, all summer, it's been great!" Will chided not seeing why it was an issue. He loved being able to play D&D with her and since she was always around the rest of the party wanted to be too. It felt almost normal again for Will. With the exception of Mike and El constantly going off and making out alone. That was annoying.

"What happened with..." Dustin started but Mike him off.

"We don't know," he shrugged, "but when we brought it up she..." Mike shuddered remembering what happened when he last asked about Harrington.

"She what?" Dustin questioned his eyes wide.

"I don't want to get into it. She had a bat at the time and well, she's your sister, so you know how she is." Mike explained.

Dustin stepped back nervously, "I guess I'll just have to ask Harrington then."

Just a Little Game- Steve Harrington x OC Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now